Wow. The President of NOW in California is publicly agreeing with Jerry Brown’s assessment of Republican Meg Whitman. They’re agreeing that yup, she’s a whore.

Weasel Zippers reports:

Last week, the National Organization for Women and the PAC of the California NOW chapter took heat for their endorsement of state Attorney General Jerry Brown (D) over Meg Whitman (R) in the gubernatorial race in the wake of comments by a Brown aide that Whitman was a “whore.” At the time, national NOW President Terry O’Neill said that anyone who “from here on” calls a woman a “whore” should be fired.

She might want to have a talk with California NOW President Parry Bellasalma, who today told TPM in response to a question that “Meg Whitman could be described as ‘a political whore.’ Yes, that’s an accurate statement.”

Can you believe that? NOW is calling a woman candidate a whore. Does it get any lower than this? Why are they doing this? To run political cover for Democrat Jerry Brown.

After someone on Brown’s campaign called Whitman “a whore” and Brown seemed to agree, NOW came out the next day and endorsed. Then, after some public backlash, they put out a release saying that nobody from here on out should use that word but that this rule starts after this particular election. I’m not kidding. That’s what they said. And now you get the President of NOW agreeing with Brown.

More proof that NOW is simply an arm of the Democrat Party will not be needed.

I used to think that NOW only cared about abortion but Meg Whitman is pro-choice which shows that NOW actually has no ideals whatsoever other than ensuring Democrat victories in exchange for a seat at the table of power.

Uhm…what do you call people who sell themselves out to the highest bidder without shame or principle? Oh yeah.

I humbly suggest that NOW, who is clearly not in favor of women, should change its name to–

Women Happily Opposed to Republicans Everywhere.
