The poet Rtalph Waldo Emerson famously said “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.” May I humbly suggest that as far as the hobgoblins of little statesmen go, inconsistency trumps…. Continue Reading →
Your free speech rights are secondary when some potential tax revenue is on the line, at least in Philadelphia. Check out this outrageous story. For the past three years, Marilyn Bess has operated MS Philly Organic, a small, low-traffic blog… Continue Reading →
The Case of the Heretical Priest from Nashville is closing, we hope. Fr. Joeseph Breen posted a video on his website and committed multiple counts of video heresy. CMR picked up the video and the story went national. Fr. Breen… Continue Reading →
This is the second post from Sherry Antonetti. We’re so happy to have her here but she sometimes puts her feet up on the furniture. So read this and check her blog out over at Chocolate for Your Brain: When… Continue Reading →
Perhaps you’ve seen the rotating ads on CMR promoting the Mystic Monk coffee. Well, they do more than roast beans. They are a newly-founded energetic community of contemplative Carmelites known as the Monks of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary of… Continue Reading →
I’ve been up all week in the Poconos with the family so that’s why posting has been light. (And Patrick is the laziest bones ever.) We’ve been doing all sorts of outdoorsy things but today is the day the kids… Continue Reading →
Stephen Colbert has a little fun with When Catholics try to be hip, people may get hurt. ht to Papist The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Pope’s Baseball Cap & CatholicTV<a> Colbert Report Full Episodes… Continue Reading →
This speaks for itself.
Who would have thought that us medieval religious types would embrace technology so much. I love how the pro-life movement is embracing technology and new media. I love the work of and who do incredible work on the… Continue Reading →
Well, for being made of frogs and snails and puppy-dogs’ tails, they sure do come in handy. In a study that underscores the value of family, researchers found that girls with big brothers go through puberty later and those with… Continue Reading →
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