Who would have thought that us medieval religious types would embrace technology so much. I love how the pro-life movement is embracing technology and new media. I love the work of LifeNews.com and LifeSiteNews.com who do incredible work on the internet. I love the thousands and thousands of pro-life blogs. I actually know a few people who downloaded that App that shows the size of their baby in ultrasound and they’re not like hardcore culture warriors,just regular people (without blogs if you can believe there are people without blogs anymore.)

And now there’s a new pro-life App from Priests for Life:

Priests for Life has announced a new app for iPhone and iPad, giving priests easy access to three sets of resources to help them preach, teach, and pray about the pro-life message with their congregations.

The first resource is a set of General Intercessions, or “Prayers of the Faithful,” for the Mass, composed according to the guidelines set by the Catholic Church and including a petition for the growth of the culture of life.

The second is a short snippet of text, drawn from Church documents, statements by bishops, or statements by popes, that can be included in a parish bulletin to educate the congregation about pro-life issues and to exhort them to take part in pro-life activities.

Finally, the app also provides pro-life homily hints based on the readings for that particular Sunday. They are meant to help priests connect the Biblical themes of love, justice, and mercy to the issues of abortion, euthanasia, and other threats to human life and dignity. The app provides information for each Sunday of the year during all three liturgical cycles.

The resources were written by Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, based on his experience of preaching about abortion and euthanasia.

The app may be found by looking up “pro-life” or “Priests for Life” on the iTunes store. It costs $1.99.

Fr. Pavone is making it very easy for priests to preach about abortion and that’s good news.