As a perceptive child, I cleverly noticed every little thing my parents did wrong in raising me and I swore not to make the mistakes they made with me. One of the chief things was I was going to do… Continue Reading →
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was asked if he knew about the wildly predatory environment of the IMF. His answer is, I think, sickening because he won’t say he didn’t know about it -which meant he did but then he offers… Continue Reading →
Jill June, president of Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, called efforts to prevent Big Abortion from performing remote control abortions “shameful.” Really? It’s shameful that a woman undergoing a dangerous procedure actually be seen by a doctor in person. Wasn’t… Continue Reading →
I am foxy Cleopatra and I’m a whole lota woman! I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there.
This is pretty cool. Archaeologists have discovered 17 new pyramids in Egypt without picking up a shovel. They did it using infrared photographs taken from satellites. (That annoying Egyptologist on the History Channel hardest hit!) Researchers at the University of… Continue Reading →
NARAL put out a call for people to send in a pic, a message, a sign of their pro-abort zealotry. They said they wanted to put a face to their cause or some such thing. Here it is: But it… Continue Reading →
The more laws they make, the more likely it is you’ll be a criminal. This is a perfect example of completely out of control government.
Lila Rose interviews two longtime Girl Scouts who quit after learning how the Girl Scouts supports Planned Parenthood. The two young girls are quite impressive.
This is the guy the White House asked to be in the front row at some of their press conferences. Don’t prepare for any outrage because there simply won’t be any. Update: MSNBC Suspends him for a week. (Slap on… Continue Reading →
A new study has given a blogger (me) a great idea for a class action lawsuit. I’ll explain later but if you’d like to join the suit please let me know in the combox. It’s gonna’ rain cash, baby!!! A… Continue Reading →
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