We Laugh Because We Believe

Month December 2011

Christopher Hitchens a Religious Man? Fr. Barron Says Yes

Perry Changes Views on Abortion. Now?

A Christmas miracle? Rick Perry has seen the light? Perry reportedly just announced that he’s changed his mind and he’s now against any exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to abortion. So he’s pro-life all the way now…. Continue Reading →

It’s a Woman’s Choice!

A dude went to buy Plan B for his lady friend and the pharmacist freaked out on him. You’re thinking that it was a pro-life pharmacist, right? Nope. It’s a pharmacist who seems to have bought completely into the “It’s… Continue Reading →

No-Good Rotten Blue-Dog Dastard To Retire

Everybody remembers the pro-life treachery in the House of Bart Stupak. Stupak sold babies and old people into government funded death with his last minute support of Obamacare. His name, like Benedict Arnold before him, quickly became synonymous with his… Continue Reading →

Rich Hypocrites Really Want Your Money

This video of rich people ASKING for higher taxes tells you everything you need to know. Obviously, Money can’t buy a sense of irony.

Great Vid: Congressman Rejects Guidance Not to Say “Merry Christmas”

Did you know that members of Congress are not allowed to use federal resources to send religious holiday greetings to their constituents? That’s right. They can’t say “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Hannakah” so Republican Rep. Scott Rigell decided to engage… Continue Reading →

Kindle And My Almost Car Crash

The unexpected dangers of the Amazon Kindle. I almost crashed my car. No, I wasn’t reading and driving. Worse. My eleven year old daughter got a kindle for Christmas and she could not have been more excited. She is an… Continue Reading →

Finally! A Santorum Surge?

I’ve been waiting and waiting for him and perhaps he has finally arrived. No, not Santa, Rick Santorum. Normally I don’t put too much stock in what Dick Morris has to say, but since he is saying what I want… Continue Reading →

A Christmas Massacre

A buddy of mine who fought over in Iraq tells me of visiting a Catholic Church there. He said you’d hardly notice the church but on Sundays a number of Catholics would bravely arrive at Mass, knowing that their mere… Continue Reading →

Merry Christmas from CMR

Peace on earth and good will to man. And all that. Oh…and Air Jordans. It’s not Christmas without Air Jordans. Dozens of police officers had to break up fights and restore order at a local mall while shoppers were waiting… Continue Reading →

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