We Laugh Because We Believe

Year 2011

The Horror of the Duggars

The Duggars are expecting their 20th child. God bless them. I don’t watch the show often but when I do I’m amazed how good and happy the kids seem and how kind the parents are. But, of course, all those… Continue Reading →

Brokeneck Mountain

A 19st rugby player suffered a stroke while training – and discovered when he woke up that he was gay. Chris Birch, 26, had proposed to his girlfriend and worked in a bank when he suffered a freak accident in… Continue Reading →

Pro-Life To the Bottom of the Ticket

My four year old and I just voted. She actually pushed the button so she technically voted. (Is that legal?) And by the way, she voted pro-life. All the way. We walked up to our voting place and I had… Continue Reading →

The Meanest & Funniest Story Of The Day

The Detroit Lions game on Thanksgiving day is a big deal in that city. Performing at the halftime show is a really big deal, almost like the Superbowl. So when they chose Nickelback to perform, fans got together and said…… Continue Reading →

The Creepiest Chasuble Evah!

This one just kinda’ freaks me out a bit. And by a bit I mean more than a bit. HT Bad Vestments

Excommunicated Nun Accepts Award for Abortion Decision

Excommunicated Sister of Mercy Margaret McBride received the 2011 Call To Action Leadership Award at their annual conference precisely for her role in a decision at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix to abort an 11 week old… Continue Reading →

Chicken Pox Lollipops?

I can’t actually believe that anyone would allow their kid to lick, chew, ingest something called the Chicken Pox lollipop in lieu of getting a shot. It’s being hailed by some as a more “natural immunity.” I really hope this… Continue Reading →

“As A Priest, My Whole Purpose is to Produce Saints”: An Hour-Long Interview With Fr. Barron

Focus Christian Television has placed online a new hour-long interview with Fr. Barron centered around his Catholicism Project videos which have recently been released.If you’ve enjoyed hearing 6 to 8 minutes of Fr. Barron in his YouTube commentaries, you’ll love… Continue Reading →

USA Today’s Catholic Cheap Shot of the Day

USA Today, in reporting about sexual abuse of young boys at Penn State University, takes the cheapest of shots at the Catholic Church in their featured story. Here’s the headline: Catholic bishops’ lesson for Penn State: Call the cops! Mind… Continue Reading →

OWS Covetous?

Is the Occupy Wall Street crowd breaking one of the commandments? One group in Minnesota seems to think so. They just put up this billboard, according to Powerline.Seems to me they’ve got a point.

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