We Laugh Because We Believe

Year 2011

The Ill Fated Christmas Journey of Fr. Steve Rossetti

After journeying for days to the North Pole to finally find evidence of Santa Claus, Fr. Steve Rossetti of Catholic University, realized his mistake…a little late. I couldn’t resist the joke but here’s the truth. If you’re not aware Fr…. Continue Reading →

I Hate to Bring This Up Right Before Christmas But..,

I hate to bring this up right before Christmas but…Europe is doomed. A Sociology professor at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), Felice Dassetto has published a new book entitled “The Iris and the Crescent” and he’s saying that Islam… Continue Reading →

Organ Donor Wakes Up Hours Before They….

In a matter of hours Sam Schmid would be dead. The Arizona college student was in an accident in October and doctors had been itchin’ to harvest his organ for a while. Finally, his parents agreed. Sam did not. Hours… Continue Reading →

Can You Be a Devout Atheist

New York Times has a story about a guy who’s putting up atheist stuff where a nativity used to be. Guy seems like a real prize. But there’s this part of the story that got me wondering. This always angered… Continue Reading →

The Moment Before Mary Said Yes

I know that God knows all but there’s also free will and we can thwart God’s will. That’s what sin is, isn’t it? But I was just thinking today about the moment after the archangel Gabriel said, “Fear not, Mary,… Continue Reading →

Jesus Had Laser Beams (Sharks Not Included)

Now, theologically it is clear that Jesus didn’t need laser beams to create the shroud, but the fact that he did shows just how cool He is. Cause being God, he knew how cool lasers would be. Scientists say Turin… Continue Reading →

Et Tu Santorum?

Julie Robison of Corner with a View writes this guest post about her take on Newt and Rick Santorum. As you might imagine, Patrick, who hearts him some Santorum, disagrees. Here’s Julie: Friends, Catholics, countrymen, lend me your ears; I… Continue Reading →

The Duggar Last Straw

It was bad enough that the Duggars were having their 20th child, but this outrage cannot stand. As many of you know, Mrs. Duggar recently miscarried their 20th child. The family conducted a funeral for the baby. A funeral for… Continue Reading →

Santa Goes Postal…At Least He Did.

Oh the horror! A fat old guy with a long white beard had been dressing up as Santa while delivering mail. Kind of an eccentric individual, I’m sure. But isn’t that the kind of thing that makes the world go… Continue Reading →

The Worst Nativities…Evah!!!

Every Christmas my kids come charging down the stairs after I give them the all clear. Before they start ripping wrapping paper my wife and I delight in having the kids stand in front of the manger and sing Happy… Continue Reading →

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