We Laugh Because We Believe

Year 2011

Union Goons to Protest Funerals?!

This is sick. Taking a page out of that lunatic Fred Phelps’ playbook, the Teamsters Union, because of a dispute with a funeral home, is now threatening to protest funerals. Now, please recall all the media outrage over Phelps’ protesting… Continue Reading →

Disaster! 14 Killed, 2200 Injured

14 women were killed and 2200 injured. Sounds like a terrible disaster, right? Sounds like something the media might want to cover, right? Or something the government might want to act on, yes? No. You see, 14 women have been… Continue Reading →

Soccer’s Reeeeaaally Boring But…

To me, this is almost as boring as humans playing soccer. Almost. (Only watch the first minute or so and you’ll get the idea.) But I must admit that anytime an American team lines up against another country I’m in…. Continue Reading →

IVF. A Modern Horror

Chelsea Zimmerman from Reflections of a Paralytic has been posting here once a week for this month. Her posts have been great and we’ve been lucky to have her. This is her final post. Please read her and visit her… Continue Reading →

72 Fake Virgins

Imagine. You strapped the bomb-vest on, just like the Imam said. You walk into a cafe. You are nervous, unsure if you can go through with it. But one thought, one promise, allows you to press the button and kill… Continue Reading →

Catholic Senator Embraced by Priest After Vote for Gay Marriage?

Catholic State Senator in New York Jim Alesi claims he was applauded at Mass and was embraced by his priest after his vote for gay marriage in New York. And then he gets even more offensive. Check out Thomas Peters… Continue Reading →

Any Good Fiction for Christians?

I’m a reader. I read anything and everything. I’m always on the lookout for new authors and good fiction. I went to the bookstore tonight and browsed the Christian fiction section and didn’t see anything that jumped out at me…. Continue Reading →

Trailer for Jim Caviezel’s New Show

The trailer for Jim Caviezel’s new show looks pretty cool. It’s produced by JJ Abrams and written by Jonathan Nolan of Batman fame. I find myself rooting for good things to happen to Caviezel.

Vid: Libs Vote to Ban Books

Psst. Sarah Palin beat Adolf Hitler in the banning books competition. And she didn’t just squeak by. She trounced him. HT Moonbattery

Maryland Town Ousts Prayer and Pledge

They fear God, they fear Christianity, they fear Christians because they know the only thing that can derail their freedom sucking, pro-death, collectivist schemes is Christianity. Therefore, secularist liberals will do whatever it takes to remove God, Christianity, and Christians… Continue Reading →

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