We Laugh Because We Believe

Year 2011

Baby-Kinis? Seriously?

I imagine that in the future there will be a great debate between liberal archaeologists over why Western civilization failed? Oh, there will be plenty of theories. Some will probably say it was President Palin’s fault. Others will say it… Continue Reading →

Major Announcement: We Are God’s Chihuahuas

Following Corapi’s example, we announce a major change in our lives!!! What? Too soon?

NBC Apologizes for Editing “Under God” from Pledge

NBC omitting “under God” from the Pledge was absolutely intentional. Make no mistake about it. So horrified are they at the mention of God that they edit Him out of the Pledge of Allegiance. And the apology is ridiculous as… Continue Reading →

I Have No Idea How I’m Doing as a Dad

So today was Father’s Day. I took the kids to the mall and they rode the Merry-go-Round there. As we were sitting on line this three year old named Bobby in front of us was reading to his Mom. Reading!… Continue Reading →

SOLT: Civil Lawsuit Complicated Corapi Investigation

The National Catholic Register’s Joan Frawley Desmond has fascinating new information on the Corapi story. The main take-aways are that the investigation by SOLT into the allegations against Corapi was complicated by a civil lawsuit filed by Father Corapi for… Continue Reading →

12 Reasons It’s Harder to Be a Dad than a Mom

I wrote this a while back but since it’s Father’s Day I thought it appropriate. 12 Reasons It’s Harder to be a Dad than a Mom There are thousands and thousands of Mommy blogs out there detailing the trials and… Continue Reading →

Perfect Father’s Day Card for Today’s Man

HT Shamelessly stolen from Ace of Spades.

Santorum To Romney — Sign It!!

Rick Santorum responded to the very recently pro-choice Mitt Romney that his fears about the SBA List pledge are unjustified and tells him to sign it. I dig it. Taking the Pledge June 18, 2011 6:11 P.M. By Rick Santorum… Continue Reading →

Mitt Defends Decision Not To Sign Pledge

As reported yesterday, while most of the other Republican presidential candidates have signed the SBA List Pledge on abortion, Mitt Romney has not. The Pledge: FIRST, to nominate to the U.S. federal bench judges who are committed to restraint and… Continue Reading →

My First Reaction To The Corapi News

I have to think this through, but I thought I might post some of the things running through my head. One the one hand, if the process is anything like what Corapi describes with secret accusers and secret accusations and… Continue Reading →

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