NBC omitting “under God” from the Pledge was absolutely intentional. Make no mistake about it. So horrified are they at the mention of God that they edit Him out of the Pledge of Allegiance.
And the apology is ridiculous as well. The golf announcers says that they didn’t do it to offend anybody. Duh. We know that’s not why you did it. You did it because you can’t stand to mention God and you look down on anyone who does. You do it for the same reason our President Barack Obama does it. He doesn’t believe that God should be mentioned in public just like them.
Newsbusters has more on this story.
June 20, 2011 at 5:23 pm
They didn't even mention God in the apology. All we got was a "Regrettably a portion of the pledge was edited out".
Now I want an apology for the apology. Oh well. Secular media strikes again.
June 21, 2011 at 1:39 am
Only TRUTH has freedom of speech and press. It is time for every real American Citizen to complain to the Federal Communications Commission about our unalienable civil and human rights being denied to us ever so subltly with our tax dollars. Even the Feds, ever so cowardly to stand for freedom and truth, are being denied their Creator endowed unalienable sovereign personhood.The ax will fall.
June 21, 2011 at 1:55 am
Yes. Because by uttering the words "under God" entitles us to go about business as usual in this country: killing unborn babies, producing Hollywood smut and demanding that all say "one nation UNDER GOD"…it makes it easier for all of us pure people to cast stones at those sexually perverted politicians…OH, if only everyone were as pure as I.
June 21, 2011 at 2:12 am
@Anonymous 8:55 Speak for yourself. Those people in power wield it against all that is holy. Look at yoursel:, you ridicule virginity, applaud homosexual behavior, encourage promiscuity, pornography and fornication all in the name of freedom. "Under God" MEANS that all human rights will be preserved by the goverment through the will of the people for the common good to secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our (constitutional) posterity, all generations to come, so help us God. He who denies unalienable human rights to another person forfeits his own unalienable human rights and his citizenship with no legal standing in a court of law, because this one has become an alien. It is no small matter to disenfranchise every citizen who believes in almighty God, our constitutional Creator.
Mary De Voe
June 21, 2011 at 5:16 am
Some facts for the misinformed:
1.God did not create the constitution.
2.Saying "under God" does not make it so.
3.Blowing up people and invading countries in the Middle East is not alot better than pornography, just funded by the government-we, the people.
4.We are no better than the Taliban when we push our own radical Christian version of Sharia Law on a secular society.
5.People fight and kill in the name of religion.
6. God does not like war or people who foment war.
7. People who only listen to "the other side" are more misinformed than people who listen to both sides.
8.People should receive communion in the hand standing. It's a mortal sin to receive on the tongue kneeling.
June 22, 2011 at 2:53 am
Well, I did notice that "indivisible" was also chopped out. So unless we feel that NBC are trying to be for the right of states to succeed we may actually be blaming them for an actual error. It did seem like a clip was made incorrectly in it, editing right there seemed shaky to me.
June 22, 2011 at 2:54 am
Crud, make that "secede" – although they may be against states "succeeding." 🙂