President Obama so loves abortion that he bypassed the will of the Tennessee state legislature and people to fund them directly.
You know, for a guy who said that the abortion debate was above his pay grade, he certainly feels comfortable taking your money and giving it to Planned Parenthood -even when states don’t want it.
You’d almost think Obama had no appreciation for states rights…or something.
Here’s something from the great SBA List:
Today, the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), a national pro-life organization, criticized the Obama Administration for awarding $395,000 in federal funds to Planned Parenthood Greater Memphis, bypassing the will of the Tennessee legislature and Governor. The grant announcement was made today by Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN), a longtime ally of Planned Parenthood.
“From day one of his presidency, Obama has gone to extremes to support Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List. “He has refused to yield in the face of Planned Parenthood’s scandals including their exposure as an ally of alleged human traffickers and as willing to turn a blind eye to sex-selective abortion in their clinics. Additionally, it defies reason to send more federal funds to an organization that has been found culpable in the waste, abuse, and potential fraud of millions of taxpayer dollars.
“Clearly, protecting Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funded bottom line – and not protecting women and girls – is President Obama’s top priority. Come November, the SBA List will work to ensure voters remember this at the ballot box.”
Last year, Governor Bill Haslam urged local public health departments in Memphis and Nashville to accept all available Title X funds, an effort which successfully ended Title X funding for Tennessee’s Planned Parenthood facilities, when Shelby County commissioners ultimately voted to, instead, award its Title X funds to Christ Community Health, which does not provide or promote abortion.
“While we are disappointed that any tax funding would be directed to private organizations promoting and profiting from the killing of unborn children, this end run around the people of Tennessee will serve to underscore the urgent need to elect a pro-life president, Senate and Congress in November,” said Brian Harris, president of Tennessee Right to Life.
Similarly in New Hampshire, last year the Obama Administration award of a non-competitive $1 million dollar contract with Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, which bypassed the state’s decision to cut off taxpayer funding of the abortion business.
The Susan B. Anthony List, and its connected Political Action Committee, the SBA List Candidate Fund, are dedicated to electing candidates and pursuing policies that will reduce and ultimately end abortion. To that end, the SBA List will emphasize the election, education, promotion, and mobilization of pro-life women.
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