*subhead*Yawn.*subhead* Wow. With all the history and greatness to celebrate, we got the industrial revolution and a celebration of nationalized healthcare? They might as well of had a celebration of bad teeth. An episode of Downton Abbey has more action… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Weird.*subhead* I was incredibly bored by the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Let’s face it, it was weird and there was more time dragging sets on and off the stadium floor than actual performance time. So I thought that was… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Funny ’cause it’s true.*subhead* This pic I found at Moonbattery just struck me as hilarious. I’m not sure why Willy Wonka is there but I guess it’s just because Gene Wilder was just so brilliantly sarcastic in that role. One… Continue Reading →
*subhead*I cannot wait.*subhead* It is my blog and I can post what I want and what I want is this movie. I cannot wait. This one is for you, Larry!! Les Miserables – Official Trailer
*subhead*I didn’t mean it.*subhead* The poor President, his words are always being taken out of context. Like for instance, when he said “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Double down.*subhead* So committed to abortion is President Obama that he’s now running an ad touting, “It’s a scary time to be a woman.” Why is it scary? Because…(cue impending doom music here) Romney wants to overturn Roe v. Wade… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Healing touch.*subhead* This post is written by Mary Archbold, our sister. A Mother’s love knows no bounds. I never truly understood that statement until I became a mother myself. I read this incredible story of a baby who had contracted… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Horror and sadness.*subhead* I am a father of five children here on Earth. And three more who, with God’s mercy, I hope to meet in Heaven someday. I think about those children sometimes (often). It’s not something I talk about… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Perfect.*subhead* Brian Williams of NBC News asks a completely outrageous question of Mitt Romney. He asked Romney if he’s looking for “an incredibly boring white guy” for his Vice President. Check out Romney’s perfect answer: HT Newsbusters
*subhead*Why Obama doesn’t get it.*subhead* It has been remarked that every once in a while the President goes off prompter and tells us what he really thinks. Political opponents, of course, use these moments to make the point that he… Continue Reading →
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