The Colorado Bishops have promised to review Catholic Health Initiatives and the hospital that made the claim that 7 month unborn twins should not constitute persons in their defense against a wrongful death suit. (see full story here) The Catholic… Continue Reading →
Every year it is the same, hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers descend on Washington only to be ignored by the MSM. If it is covered at all, focus is on a 8 hairy-legged counter-protestors. So what could change that? What… Continue Reading →
Their hypocrisy and hubris know no bounds. They design a horrible healthcare system without even reading it, but exempt themselves from it. Now, they want to take away your 2nd amendment rights, but not their own. Not everyone will have… Continue Reading →
If you’re heading to the March for Life today I’ll be there with my five kids. So if you see a short chubby bearded guy in shorts and five kids say hi. Let’s rock D.C. yo. *subhead*Life.*subhead*
“Now it happened that as soon as Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leapt in her womb.” I’ve thought about that line from Luke often. The child in the womb leapt. On this day when hundreds of thousands of people… Continue Reading →
Many secularist progressives are just plain anti-human. They’re not pro-choice, they’re anti-human. Here you’ve got the liberal Young Turks and they’re doing a story on this huge differential between the number of men and women in China. The anchor of… Continue Reading →
Hey, what happened to the separation of church and state? Sen. Dianne Feinstein opened up anti-gun presser with a prayer from Dean of the National Cathedral Rev. Canon Gary Hall who seemed a little long on lecturing and political posturing… Continue Reading →
A woman in her seventh month of pregnancy with twins died after a Catholic hospital’s ob-gyn failed to respond to a page. The husband and father of the twins is arguing in a lawsuit that even if the hospital couldn’t… Continue Reading →
When I was a kid, there was one way to insult another kid that I never really understood. You would supposedly insult another kid and his mother by saying “your mother wears combat boots.” I never really knew what that… Continue Reading →
This story warms my heart and makes me proud to be a man. And it also has such a priceless line at the end. Ready for it? An Australian coastguard spokesman said: “We don’t recommend manhandling sharks but this gentleman… Continue Reading →
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