I love this video. This kid did an unbelievable thing and someone caught it on tape. Even the other team has smiles ear to ear. *subhead*Swish.*subhead*
Patrick’s last video of a hawk absconding with a poor field mouse put me in a mood to put up a nice animal video. (Sad that Pat sees the world in that kind of Darwinian way, isn’t it?) Hey if… Continue Reading →
The best laid plans of mice and men!! *subhead*Catch, release, snack.*subhead*
Slate Magazine has a piece today asking the question, “How Did Humans Figure Out That Sex Makes Babies?“ To me, a far more interesting question is when did we forget it? *subhead*Forgetting.*subhead*
How safe does it make you feel? *subhead*Progressive Security*subhead*
Just a few months ago President Barack Obama seemed pretty excited to have Cardinal Timothy Dolan, an opponent of gay “marriage” offer the closing prayer at the Democratic National Convention. At that time, the Catholic vote was a point of… Continue Reading →
In the battle over statistics and gun control, there is one crucial but invisible statistic that will never be reported. Tragedy that doesn’t happen because of a gun (owner). Ernestine Aldana owns a grocery store near the corner of Muskego… Continue Reading →
Paul Kengor, professor of political science at Grove City College and executive director of The Center for Vision & Values, has got some mad smarts. He saw through all the hullabaloo concerning Vladimir Putin’s decision to end American adoptions of… Continue Reading →
This is the new anti-gun mantra. “Sure, we know that our past gun bans have been shown to be completely ineffective, but if our new ridiculous, onerous, and unconstitutional plans save one life, it will be worth it.” What will… Continue Reading →
HT Free Republic *subhead*Heartwarming.*subhead*
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