“Terminal sedation” has been approved by the French National Council. That’s euthanasia to you and me. They called it a “Duty to humanity.”

News reports show:

“In the case of repeated and lucid requests to die from terminally ill patients who are in palliative care, a legitimate medical decision must be taken with regard to these exceptional clinical situations. This is provided, however, that they have been identified not by a single doctor but by a medical panel”, a text from the FNC for doctors called “End of Life, Assistance to Die,” reads. Since 2005 France’s Leonetti law has protected against “aggressive medical treatment”. However, euthanasia remains illegal.

According to French doctors, the law is applicable for most “end of life cases”. But, it doesn’t extend to certain cases of prolonged agony or psychological and/or physical pain, which despite medicinal intervention remain uncontrollable. “These situations are rare, but they can’t go unanswered.

They are exceptional, and not covered by the current law,” the text said.

“A strong, terminal method of sedation practiced in respect to human dignity and administered by a panel of doctors, could be considered”.(ANSAmed).

So it looks like by saying it’s to be used in “exceptional” cases, they’re promising to make it safe, legal and rare. We all know how that works. Of course, it will be one of the three. It won’t be all that rare. Killing certainly isn’t safe. How could it be? But it will be legal.
