This is horrible and wicked and probably darn common. To listen to this is to hear man’s inhumanity to man. The way this woman keeps citing “policy” as the 911 operator begs the woman to hand the phone to a passerby. Yet she refuses and the woman dies. This is chilling and will probably ruin your day. Your welcome.
This is the logical result of an increasingly litigious society that’s losing it’s Christian foundation.
Ace of Spades wrote:
The nursing home defended the inaction, claiming it was a “policy” that nurses should only call 911 and otherwise render no aid themselves.
Let’s take a look at this.
First off, a “policy” exists to protect the institution promulgating that policy, not to help anyone else.
So when a company says “We’re just following policy,” they mean “We’re just following a protocol we created to protect our own interests.”
This is no kind of defense or justification. Yes, I know you were ruthlessly pursuing your own self-interest in permitting a woman to die. Having a “policy” about ruthlessly pursuing your own self-interest in permitting a woman to die doesn’t sanctify that as a noble or even acceptable.
Saying “We have a policy” is just a euphemism for “We’ve collectively decided to look out for ourselves instead of others.”
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