I wish I could give a cogent and well thought out treatise on the election of Pope Francis I, hereby and forever dubbed PF1 ( You heard it here first.) But I can’t, just as nobody else can. So instead… Continue Reading →
It’s recently been discovered that the newly selected pope has ties with a hate group which discriminates against women and homosexuals. Some say the group is even more hateful and dangerous than the boy scouts. The news should shock the… Continue Reading →
A grandmother was documenting the arrival of an ambulance at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Wilmington, Delaware when a woman came out and assaulted her. And it’s right on video. The video states that this is the 4th recent botched… Continue Reading →
This is just funny. I don’t care who you are. Just moments after Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio was introduced as the new Pope, Italian bishops had a congratulatory message sent to the media thanking God for the new pope from Milan,… Continue Reading →
This is great. Zenit reports that Pope Francis’ first non-official act was to lay flowers at the feet of the image of the Virgin Mary. That would seem to me to be a pretty darn fine choice for a first… Continue Reading →
This is too funny. And indicative of the times we live in. A member of Parliament, a black man, scolded the BBC for racism because they asked whether the smoke coming out of the Vatican chimney would be black or… Continue Reading →
Some “Catholic” LGBT organizations were seemingly in a race to cast the first disparaging remark against the new Pope. The Equally Blessed coalition seemingly won the day by labeling the Pope “hateful” within hours of Cardinal Bergoglio’s ascendancy to the… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Elementary.*subhead* The chemist in me could not help but make this tribute to our new Holy Father who has a masters in chemistry. (Yes. I am that much of a geek.) Habemus Papam Franciscum! Happy day! Rebecca Taylor blogs at… Continue Reading →
As you know, I got a kick at the sight of the mainstream media’s non-stop coverage of an institution they insist is irrelevant. But here’s the moment when the smoke started coming out of the chimney and all these anchors… Continue Reading →
Archbishop Charles Chaput released this statement on the election of our new Holy Father: I first met our new Holy Father at Rome’s 1997 Synod for America, and still have a gift from him, a portrait of Mary, the mother… Continue Reading →
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