A Jesuit priest in Egypt called U.S. and Western support of the Muslim Brotherhood, which makes a practice of harassing and raping young Christian girls, “disgusting” and a “catastrophe.”

The US Catholic reports:

Jesuit Father Henri Boulad, 82, a Melkite Catholic, singled out the United States, France and Great Britain for their support of the Islamist group, which he said has created a regime far worse than the military dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak that preceded it. He warned of looming catastrophe.

“How democratic countries can support such movements is disgusting,” Father Boulad told a meeting of the Middle East Discussion Group at a luncheon hosted by Canadian Sen. Ann Cools…

Father Boulad charged that the Muslim Brotherhood has a systematic plan to harass Christians so that they will leave Egypt and that among their tactics is the kidnapping and rape of Christian girls.

The organization also invokes human rights to silence critics in France, Canada and elsewhere, using the courts against people who speak up, he said. The government cries “Islamophobia” and it “is politically incorrect to be an Islamophobe,” he said.

“The United States, France and Great Britain are supporting this. It’s crazy,” he added.

“Intellectual and factual terrorism is being implemented not only in Egypt but all over the world. You cannot speak up. They go to court; they accuse you.”

“As long as Islam is not reformed, we are going to catastrophe,” Father Boulad warned.

Father Boulad urged democracies throughout the world to support the resistance in Egypt.

I pray that the world will begin listening. Thus far in the Western world, many have shown a stunning willingness to smear those who criticize Islam as racists and nutjobs. Because of that, there seems to be a great willingness to pretend that the problem with Islam is a small one that just requires some dialogue and targeted drone attacks. This path will not end well. It can’t.

But I will continue to pray for priests like Fr. Boulad, the safety of Christians throughout the world, and for all to accept the love of Christ in their heart.
