Oh boy. There’s nothing wrong with what Pope Francis said here but the words are vague enough that those who want to misconstrue them will have plenty of opportunities to do so. Yahoo News has the part in question: The… Continue Reading →
On its face, this is a very disturbing decree in that it seems to go against the spirit and letter of Summorum Pontificum. Pope Francis has issued a decree that the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, a traditional and flourishing… Continue Reading →
Wow. Pope Francis told Catholics to go make a “mess.” How awesome is that? Pope Francis reportedly said: “I want to tell you something. What is it that I expect as a consequence of World Youth Day? I want a… Continue Reading →
A few years back, Pope Benedict created the Ordinariate for disaffected Anglicans that thought that their religion had strayed from its Apostolic and biblical roots. A number of Anglicans made the move, but many more that have these concerns stayed… Continue Reading →
Abortion rights advocates in Chile took over the main cathedral in Chile, vandalized confession booths, shouted at parishioners, painted pro-abortion graffiti on the walls, and used the pews as barricades to prevent police from arresting them. Still, the Associated Press… Continue Reading →
The North Carolina legislature just passed bills last night which require abortion facilities to meet increased health and safety standards. Now pro-abortion rights supporters are crying foul because the governor of North Carolina, Pat McRory, seems intent on signing the… Continue Reading →
This is it. This is the Republican’s last chance to show that they are worthy of support. The Republican’s have it completely within their power to defund Obamacare, but will they? As I have said before, Obamacare breaks the bond… Continue Reading →
Warning to all those people who claim that they’re the scientific ones who embrace science and deeper understanding as opposed to us oogedy-boogedy religious types, can now put their hands over their eyes and ears and pretend that this study… Continue Reading →
It just goes to show you that college students are idiots and we should never listen to them at all. About anything. HT Campus Reform *subhead*Wow.*subhead*
I can’t stand George Clooney. Can’t stand. I can’t even watch his movies, not because of some weird boycott thing but because I can’t help but remember he’s a jerk in real life. So every character he plays I can’t… Continue Reading →
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