We Laugh Because We Believe

Month November 2014

Priest Blesses Lesbian Couple in a ‘Marriage-like Ceremony’

“Cause this won’t confuse people as to what the Church teaches. The UK Tablet reports that a priest in Switzerland has held a ceremony that very closely resembled a marriage ceremony for a lesbian couple. But don’t worry he consulted… Continue Reading →

The One Way Street Called Sperm Donation

*subhead*Squish like grape.*subhead* Creating children with sperm donation has gone on for a long time. In fact, the first documented case of a woman becoming pregnant by donor insemination was in 1884.  A Quaker woman and her merchant husband, not… Continue Reading →

Kenyan Bishops Expose WHO and UNICEF Population Control Program

This is shocking. The Catholic bishops of Kenya are publicly questioning whether the World Health Organization and UNICEF are using a tetanus vaccination as a cover for a shocking involuntary and disguised population control program. They seem to have evidence…. Continue Reading →

When a Cashier Reminded Me My Son Has Down Syndrome

You’re just got to read the whole thing. Just gotta. Sherry Clair wrote: Like the cashier who gave me sad eyes and spit poison in a whisper, “I bet you wish you had known before he came out. You know… Continue Reading →

So It Turns Out that Jesus Was Married with Two Kids. Who Knew?

From the same stooges that brought you some of the most outlandish anti-religious hoaxes in the past decade, comes a book that states that Jesus may very well have avoided crucifixion and indeed was married and had two kids. No… Continue Reading →

Obamacare Architect Credits the “Stupidity of the American Voter” for Bill Passage

Machiavellian. Simple as that. Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber said “lack of transparency” and “stupidity of the American voter” were “critical” to passing Obamacare. But he said it’s ok because he’d rather have the law passed than have the government be… Continue Reading →

Good News. Obama Promises Gov’t Oversight of Internet. What Could Go Wrong?

Remember how George W. Bush said something like “we have to abandon the free market in order to preserve it.” Well, what Obama said today about the government regulating the internet is similar but even worse. CNET.com President Obama urged… Continue Reading →

Our Lady of America: A Light in the Darkness

As the Bishops of the United States gather in Baltimore this week for their fall meeting, the family and the recent Synod on the Family are forefront in many bishops’ minds. Now more than ever, there is a need to… Continue Reading →

Sheesh and I Thought Diet Coke Was Bad

I’m not sure that Monster soda is the devil’s brew (because that title belongs to Meister Brau) but it’s highly inappropriate. (It’s funny. Nowadays, doesn’t just saying the word “inappropriate” make you a fuddy duddy relic as if nothing could… Continue Reading →

Obama’s War on Stay-at-Home Moms

In talking about increasing federal funding, President Barack Obama said the darnedest thing about stay-at-home Moms. And it was nothing good. Here’s what he said: “Sometimes, someone, usually mom, leaves the workplace to stay home with the kids, which then… Continue Reading →

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