A mother is facing murder charges after delivering her five and a half month old child in a car after taking an abortion pill. Horribly, the baby (whom news reports are labeling a “fetus”) died about a half an hour later in the hospital.
Pray for this horribly fallen world. Pray for this baby. Pray that the mother repents for what she’s done.
WALB: A woman faces a murder charge after the death of her five-and-a-half-month-old fetus she delivered in an abortion attempt.
Kenlissa Jones, 23, was charged with malice murder and possession of a dangerous drug. She was taken to the Dougherty County Jail.
It happened on Mobile Avenue, shortly after 8 p.m. Saturday.
Officials said Jones took an ‘abortion pill’ that she purchased on the internet, and delivered her five-and-a-half-month-old fetus while inside a car.
Jones’ brother and family were stunned to hear the news.
“At that point we didn’t even know she was pregnant,” said her brother Rico Riggins. “And so my first real reaction was like, why she keeping it away from us.”
According to a report, she purchased the drug, called Cytotec, from a source in Canada.
“Once she took those pills, from the way I’m understanding it, she was in a world of hurt for a while,” Riggins said.
On Saturday night, a neighbor drove Jones to the hospital, but she delivered the baby boy in the car on the way.
The child died after about half an hour at the hospital.
“We lost what would have been a nephew for me. And everything. And then my sister,” said Riggins.
Not “what would have been.” Your nephew was conceived, was born in the most brutal of circumstances, and died.
Georgia law states that no abortions are authorized after the first trimester unless it is performed in a licensed hospital, in a licensed ambulatory surgical center, or in a health facility licensed as an abortion facility by the Department of Community Health.
This is what the Democrat party is fighting for right now. This is their top priority. To be able to kill 22 week old children.
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