We Laugh Because We Believe

Month June 2015

New FDA Rules Twice as Long as Bible, Probably a Lot More Thou Shalt Nots

Leftist Christians or as they prefer to be called “progressive Christians” often criticize all the thou shall not-ness of Christianity. But they sure don’t seem to mind them from their beloved government. CNS News reports: Since President Barack Obama took… Continue Reading →

Good News. Pope Now Respected as Science Expert

For decades, the Church has been viewed by the media and the left as anti-science. Any proclamation issuing from the papacy was often derided as the words of an anti-science zealot who probably would’ve killed Galileo if given half a… Continue Reading →

Commenting on the Eco-Encyclical

So as you may have noticed, I didn’t pay no nevermind to that leaked version of the eco-encyclical. A leaked encyclical is like a 1 oz bucktail on a drift tempting the bottom feeders to reach up and get hooked…. Continue Reading →

Watch What Kids Say About Killing Babies in the Womb. Amazing Video.

This is must watch. Very powerful. Kids understand that it’s a baby in the womb and that killing is bad. It takes an adult to get confused about that. HT Western Journalism *subhead*Powerful.*subhead*

$o Why Are Pro-Abort$ $o Mad that Abortion Rate$ are Falling

You would think the $ky was falling. But it’$ not, it’$ just abortion rate$. $o why are pro-abort$ $o up$et? You’d almo$t think they weren’t being hone$t when they $aid they want abortion to be $afe, legal, and rare. What… Continue Reading →

Let’s Remember What So Many Police Do to Help

Police brutality is at the forefront of the national conversation right now. And I think that’s a conversation that needs to be had. But this is a great video and I think it helps us to recall sometimes that police… Continue Reading →

Cops Arrest Parents for Neglect Because 11 y/o Shoots Baskets in the Backyard for Hour and a Half

This makes sense. The boy had to do without his parents for an hour and a half. The government found this so egregious that they removed the child and arrested the parents. I’m sure everything’s better now. Fox News Insider… Continue Reading →

What The Hell Is This Fresh Horror

I can’t take it anymore. The next 2 weeks are gonna be real bad if this video is any indication. *subhead*Gonna be bad.*subhead*

CNN Calls Dallas Shooter “Courageous and Brave.” Seriously.

There are no words. *subhead*What?*subhead*

Obama: “I Just Love Nuns…Generally.” And Sister Simone Sees the “Holy Spirit at work” in ACA Celebration

This is a post that should have two titles because there’s two pretty crazy things going on here. 1) Good news. Obama loves nuns. Generally. The Washington Post reports: Facing a Supreme Court decision that could dismantle a substantive chunk… Continue Reading →

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