Prayers go out to their family. They need it right now. Spreadit: Ali Landry and her husband, Alejandro Gomez Monteverde, who directed the film Little Boy, are mourning the horrific deaths of two beloved family members. In a brief statement… Continue Reading →
In a disturbing turn of events, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, a graduate of a Jesuit high school, reportedly used the appearance of Pope Francis in Philadelphia to push the gay agenda. Please continue reading at The National Catholic Register>>> *subhead*Ugh.*subhead*
Wow. It reminds me of the parable Jesus told about the widow giving all she had even though it was little by worldly standards. More than a moving story: a true life lesson.Thank you Francine. #WhatMakesUsHUMAN Posted by HUMAN on… Continue Reading →
The word cloud for the Pope’s UN speech. *subhead*Whatevs.*subhead*
WASHINGTON — Speaker John A. Boehner, under intense pressure from conservatives in his party, will resign one of the most powerful positions in government and give up his House seat at the end of October, throwing Congress into chaos as… Continue Reading →
Look, there’s plenty of awesome coverage of Pope Francis’ very serious comments about immigration, the issue of life, and gay marriage taking place all over the Catholic blogosphere. But that’s not why you come here, is it? As I’m watching… Continue Reading →
Word Cloud for the Pope’s address to Congress. What is missing? *subhead*What is missing?*subhead*
OK. You’ve gotta’ admit, this is the perfect response to the most blatant display of hypocrisy seen in days in our nation’s capitol. President Obama hysterically pretended to support religious freedom while the pope sat just feet away. He said:… Continue Reading →
So a monkey picked up a camera and snapped a selfie. It’s a pretty awesome selfie, right? And a great story because hey, a monkey took a selfie. And you thought only the Kardashians could do it. So now PETA… Continue Reading →
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