We Laugh Because We Believe

Month September 2015

Jindal on Trump: “You know why (Trump) hasn’t read the Bible? Because he’s not in it.”

Jindal on Trump: “But you know why he hasn’t read the Bible? Because he’s not in it.” You’ve got to admit that’s a pretty good line. Funny ’cause it’s true. He goes on from there: Donald Trump is a narcissist… Continue Reading →

Good News! Gay Liberal Believes in Hell!!!

David Brock, the gay liberal founder of the liberal watchdog groups Media Matters, believes in Hell. And he hates the New York Times!!! We’re practically brothers we have so much in common. Brock reportedly was criticizing the Times’ coverage of… Continue Reading →

Muslim Invasion of Europe Says Bishop

I made this comment on social media today “I am sorry, but when a quarter of a million angry and violent young men from a place and culture that hates you, show up on your doorstep, it’s not a refugee… Continue Reading →

Judge Refuses to Perform Any Marriage. Accused of Hitler Sympathies

Things are getting a bit crazy around here folks. An Oregon judge named Vance Day doesn’t want to perform same-sex marriages so he recently announced that he will not perform any marriages. OK, right? Now, CBS is reporting that the… Continue Reading →

ISIS Intel Manipulated – You Don’t Say

Who could have seen this? It seems that 50 DIA analysts are complaining that their realistic intelligence on ISIS was manipulated more to our Imperial President’s liking. You don’t say. More than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S…. Continue Reading →

The Truth of This Crisis

You simply must watch this incredible video that so clearly details our current crisis through interviews with Cardinal Burke, Archbishop Langa, and Bishop Schneider and others. It says everything that needs saying. So well done. Ht Rorate. *subhead*Watch this.*subhead*

Transhumanist Calls Ordinary People “Dangerous Zombies”

*subhead*You are the walking dead.*subhead* It is rare in today’s politically correct society that someone says what they really feel. So I applaud transhumanist Steven Fuller for telling it like it is. Unfortunately, his ideas are terrifying. Fuller has a… Continue Reading →

Hoisted on Petard. Planned Parenthood Exec Complains About Unintended Effect of Obamacare

Awww. A Planned Parenthood exec is complaining that an unintended effect of Obamacare is actually hurting Planned Parenthood. Lori Carpentier, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Mid and South Michigan reportedly said: Some people relied on us because they… Continue Reading →

Kim Davis is Different! Get Her!

Before you seek to stamp out anyone who doesn’t agree with everyone else, just remember this guy. *subhead*Nope.*subhead*

Kim Davis To Be Released. That’s Good Because She Hasn’t Broken Any Law

Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who refused to grant marriage licenses to same sex couples will be released shortly, according to news reports. Yahoo: Gannam said U.S. District Judge David Bunning, who jailed Davis, ordered her release early Tuesday afternoon…. Continue Reading →

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