We Laugh Because We Believe

Month March 2016

Mr. Trump, Please Stop Talking About Abortion

One of the things people say they love about Donald Trump is that he doesn’t give pat answers. He’s shoots from the hip. Well, he just shot from the hip into his own foot. And the pro-life movement was injured… Continue Reading →

Exhortation of Desolation “Joy of Love” Next Friday

Wanderer: Cardinal Schönborn, Cardinal Baldisseri, and Married Couple to Present Widely Anticipated ‘Amoris Laetitia’ on Love in the Family •March 31, 2016•ZENIT Staff Pope Francis’ widely-anticipated post-synodal document will be released next Friday. During an unexpected briefing in the Holy… Continue Reading →

How is This North Carolina Bill Controversial?

A law that ensures that people use only restrooms and locker room that match the gender on their birth certificate is being labeled “controversial” and being targeted by the media, the ACLU, the NFL, and the NBA. All I can… Continue Reading →

Wait, They Said Unicorns Were Mythical. Turns Out They Were Wrong

Who knew? MNN.com: The discovery of a fossilized skull in Kazakhstan is making paleontologists rewrite the timeline of the Siberian unicorn, Elasmotherium sibiricum. This impressive animal was a real-life unicorn, though it didn’t match the image most of us have… Continue Reading →

Admission. I judge people based upon…

Admission. I judge people based upon which picture they post of Mother Angelica. *subhead*nuff said.*subhead*

State Dept.: Ya’ Think Those Terrorists Killed Christians on Purpose?

They said they were there to kill Christians on Easter Sunday. They killed Christians on Easter Sunday. Now, the State department is wondering what their motive was. Hey, maybe it was a video. CNS News: State Department spokesman John Kirby… Continue Reading →

Republican Vetoes Religious Freedom Bill

Bucking under to media pressure and threatened boycotts from the NFL and the NBA, Republican Georgia Governor Nathan Deal has vetoed religious freedom legislation. The media keep reporting it as an “anti-gay” bill and keep putting scare quotes around “religious… Continue Reading →

Easter: Suicide Bombings, a Crucified Priest, and a Scare in New York

My family and I had a blessed Easter. We didn’t turn on the television, the radio, or the internet the entire day and spent a wonderful day together. This morning I was so saddened to see the news from this… Continue Reading →

Please Pray for Fr. Tom

Fr. Tom Uzhunnalil, a prisoner of a barbaric group possibly related to ISIS since a massacre earlier this month in Yemen, could be crucified today on Good Friday. Although there are many conflicting reports, please pray for Fr. Tom. The… Continue Reading →

The Exhortation Of Desolation: A Remiinder

Well, we are just a week or two from the Exhortation of Desolation. I originally wrote these words over a year ago, but I think I have another article saying the same even earlier than that but I am too… Continue Reading →

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