Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore, chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, responded forcefully in defense of religious liberty to a very disturbing statement from the chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights upon… Continue Reading →
A HuffPo piece about a man’s position on abortion starts the way only a pro-abort nutjob would start: A few years ago when asked about my position on abortion, I used to give a stock answer: that as cisgender man…… Continue Reading →
I’m not sure I’m seeing the reason why the media and many on the left are so hesitant to call what happened with the bombs in NYC terrorism or that Muslim nutter in the mall chopping at people “terrorism.” I… Continue Reading →
It’s a strange thing where you have doctors inflicting death on a child as a good thing. But that’s how the pro-assisted suicide people are reacting. Just awful. IN reality, it is a tragedy. A horror. BioEdge: Today is a… Continue Reading →
Weird, I don’t remember the media caring whether Obama called Benghazi a terror attack (which it was.) But they seem very concerned whether Trump called yesterday’s bombing a bombing. (Which it was.) Funny, how the media has become very concerned… Continue Reading →
RIP. Prayers. Edward Pentin at The Register: The renowned exorcist, Pauline Father Gabriele Amorth, has died at the age of 91. A priest of the diocese of Rome, Father Amorth was admitted to hospital a few weeks ago suffering from pulmonary… Continue Reading →
I love how some are blaming Donald Trump for the death of conservatism. What? The movement had been going so well the past few decades? Seriously folks. Other than pro-lifers at the state level, the conservative movement has been beaten… Continue Reading →
Hey, it’s not like our government’s in debt, right? they’ve got the extra cash lying around. Manning is busted for treason and now gets a free sex change surgery. This really puts a whole new spin on the Army’s slogan,… Continue Reading →
Much of the media’s time has been spent belittling Hillary Clinton’s health issues. And many on the internet are having a lot of fun with Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment. But I just don’t want it to get lost… Continue Reading →
I’ve read a number of times (including a rather nasty email) that the apostles probably faked the resurrection? It always makes me laugh. The late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said, “The ‘wise’ do not believe in the resurrection of… Continue Reading →
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