Reading this post from The College Fix, something occurred to me. We lost this free speech fight so long ago because we didn’t push back on the small things. It was over before we even knew we were fighting. Get… Continue Reading →
Just imagine with me for a moment if it were found that something we occurring in the environment which was resulting in a 60 percent decrease in women’s breast size over the past forty years. Or maybe a 40 percent… Continue Reading →
Iceland figured out how to wipe out Downs Syndrome just as Hitler figured out how to wipe out Judaism. I love how they tout this as some sort of scientific advancement. But their solution is always death. Scientists say that… Continue Reading →
Hate is commonplace. If we’re being honest, we know most of what there is to know about hatred. It’s the star of every news program every night. We’ve seen it at work in our own lives. We know what it… Continue Reading →
I hope Republican Steve Scalise has a television in his rehabilitation center so he will understand that the country is a seething cauldron of right wing violence. *subhead*Truth.*subhead*
This is amazing. I would pray for this kind of grace while also praying that I never have to endure what this man is enduring right now. The father of the young woman killed by the driver in Charlottesville spoke… Continue Reading →
Absolutely nothing. I’m tempted to leave the post at that but I’ll explain my thoughts briefly. I’m already tired of the hand wringing from some on the right and the wild accusations from some on the left about what the… Continue Reading →
It’s been said that a political gaffe occurs when someone tells the truth. This is such a gaffe. The Atlantic reported a statement by DCCC spokeswoman Meredith Kelly that “The DCCC has no interest in working with Democrats for Life… Continue Reading →
I’ve never seen the Catholic blogosphere so split but here’s something I believe we can all agree on. The world seems to be inching toward the brink of war. Sherry writes: The Catholic blogosphere is as diverse as the Church… Continue Reading →
In an age of spiritual turbulence it’s important to remember that seat belts, like human beings, are created for a purpose. This is the best kind of hilarious because the best kind is always unintentional. But this pro-gay pride ad… Continue Reading →
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