We Laugh Because We Believe

Year 2018

Pulse Nightclub survivor says he found Christ and he’s no longer gay

A Pulse nightclub massacre survivor found Christ and says he’s no longer gay. Hm, if this happened in California, I think Jesus could be arrested. Ny Daily News: “Going through old pictures of the night of Pulse, I remember my… Continue Reading →

U2 Officially Pro-Abortion

U2 tweeted out their support of the pro-abortion movement to support the repealing the 8th Amendment last night. Tell me again how they’re like totally Catholic and stuff. Extra: U2 have lost a huge number of fans on social media… Continue Reading →

Fraudelent 19th Century Embryology Still Taught, While Modern Ultrasounds Hidden

When Ernst Haeckel’s embryology drawings, which are today acknowledged now to be completely wrong, supported the theory of evolution it was in every textbook and promulgated far and wide. Even now, when it has been known to be a fraud… Continue Reading →

Texas School Beats ADHD by Tripling Recess Time

This is from 2017 but I just saw it so as they say…it’s news to me. And it’s good news. And I hope more schools take notice. This is a pet peeve of mine. I see this all the time…. Continue Reading →

Why Alfie Evans Didn’t Matter

One of the most haunting sights I’ve seen in a long time was Tom Evans, the father of Alfie Evans, coming out to the street in front of Alder hey hospital and robotically reading words on a page asking those… Continue Reading →

What the judge told Tom Evans?

What I’m hearing is the judge saying, Your son is going to die in our hospital and you will thank us for the deathbed we provide. Or your son will die alone. #alfieevans I’m sick over this. *subhead*Sickening.*subhead*

Archbishop Chaput on Alfie Evans

Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia writes this concerning the Alfie Evans debacle: But in the so-called “developed” nations, science and technology have also fostered an approach to life based on utility and efficiency. The calculations of a culture ruled by the… Continue Reading →

Archaeologists discover largest child sacrifice ever…except for…right now

Headline: Evidence for the largest single incident of mass child sacrifice in the Americas— and likely in world history—has been discovered on Peru’s northern coast, with More than 140 children appearing to have been ritually sacrificed in an event that… Continue Reading →

Kim K’s Daddy/Mommy is Great. Her Husband Cray Cray

So, just to be clear, Kim Kardashian’s father comes out as a woman and is celebrated as a hero. But Kim Kardashian’s husband comes out as a Trump supporter and the media questions his sanity. What? I’ll remind you that… Continue Reading →

Why Aren’t All Catholic schools talking about Alfie Evans?

Why aren’t all Catholic schools talking with their students about Alfie Evans? They’re always talking about making the faith “relevant” or something, well what the hell is more relevant than a child being put to death right now? This is… Continue Reading →

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