Leftists placing nails in the road in preparation for the Freedom Convoy. Seriously. The anti-freedom people who are triggered by the trucks are getting really desperate. They are putting nails on the ground in the path of the convoy pic.twitter.com/TBqb9ft9XT… Continue Reading →
Over the past few years there’s been a crowd watching some public intellectuals struggle with God. As our society crumbles around us, it is normal for people to seek out truth. Real truth. Jordan Peterson has been the most public… Continue Reading →
The fact that you can barely make out what the kids are saying because they’re masked is fitting, isn’t it? WTF! @SGSchoolNews uses tax payer dollars to force masked kids to sing propaganda puff pieces about how great school board… Continue Reading →
This study will be widely ignored because it shows that parents might raise their children better than people paid minimum wage by the government to care for your children. Who’d a thunk it? The American Psychological Association reports on a… Continue Reading →
Is this news? What’s the difference between this and just saying “We have absolutely no clue as to what’s going to happen this weekend.” New York City could see between 2 inches and 20 inches of snow this weekend. https://t.co/jpVrW7J1dc… Continue Reading →
I wonder if it’s like a Mad Libs Constitution where he can write in anything he wants. I’m kinda’ looking at this pocket Constitution and to be honest, it doesn’t look all folded up like it’s actually been in his… Continue Reading →
“Angels can fly because they can take themselves lightly.” -GK Chesterton I believe this 100 percent. Life is easier when you’re trying to please God because He’s very clear about what He wants. This reminds me of the last time… Continue Reading →
Oh my. While the bishop of Venice (FL) bans ad orientem, he apparently has no problem with a priest in his diocese replacing the Penitential Rite with three "spiritual breaths". Source (warning: this is a full boomer Mass): https://t.co/pHIoLxYgcz pic.twitter.com/lANApa4AIs… Continue Reading →
The school always know best, y’know. It is more important for many of them that the school be woke than actually help children. To so many school leaders, parents are the enemies. Horrifying story. Parents allege Florida school leaders held… Continue Reading →
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