The incessant drumbeat of stories from the media leads to one conclusion -War.
We are told over and over that Putin is a an evil madman. I believe this. But he has nukes. A world ending amount of nukes. When I bring up that fact I’m told he’s not crazy enough to use nukes. Wait. Once again, I was clearly told that the reason we must act is that Putin is Stalin. A total madman. But then I’m told even he wouldn’t use nukes. I’m not sure I’m trusting your armchair diagnosis of just how crazy and evil he is. I think we should perhaps tread a bit more carefully.
I don’t understand this massive push to war. I have no interest in war. I have a son entering draft age. I don’t want war with a global superpower, especially before so many other things haven’t been tried yet. Plan A should not be war.
Y’know, before we send Americans to fight Russia, how about we stop buying oil from them? Let’s give that a try first. When drilling for oil in the US is more offensive to you than sending our young people to die, there’s something very wrong with you.
So when the left says climate control is THE #1 issue they clearly mean it. They believe it is more important to NOT drill for oil in America than it is for our sons and daughters to remain alive. That is what they’re saying.
They would rather please the environmental lobby than NOT send your children off to a foreign shore with a nuclear superpower.
Catholic Just War teaching says that war should be a “last resort.” All other means should be considered or attempted. In this case, we’re not even close. Yes, what’s going on in Ukraine is a horror but when we haven’t truly attempted full economic sanctions that includes not purchasing Russia’s oil, can we say that war is a last resort? No.
I don’t understand this push to war. I pray for Ukraine. I pray for Ukranians. But Plan A should not be war with Russia.
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