The truth is that you have to lie. If you want to succeed in this world you must be willing to speak untruths, even if if goes against your strongly held beliefs. You will be applauded by this world to say you’re a Christian who supports gender swapping. That’s how you succeed in this world. Undermine the enemy from within.
If you refuse to lie you will be cancelled, fired, and demonized. The pressure to assent to the lie will be enormous.
Jason Whitlock nails this as he states plainly he has no ill will towards Lia Thomas, the Penn swimmer who recently won the NCAA Championship. What he doesn’t like is lying. He refuses to do it.
He writes at The Blaze:
Lia Thomas has no business swimming against women. He has a penis. He spent his first 20 years on this planet living and competing as a man. Despite two years of hormone treatment, he has the shoulders, size, and build of a man. His reduced testosterone level doesn’t qualify him for womanhood. God hands out those qualifications inside the womb. We recognize those credentials on a birth certificate.
There are those of us who still believe man’s “science” does not trump God’s truth.
I harbor no ill will toward Lia Thomas. He is a pawn being used in the devil’s game of deception. My animus is saved for Satan’s collaborators: the atheists, agnostics, and so-called Christians who helped build the inferno of lies Thomas just joined. America’s coalition of liars touches every demographic, every faith, and every political faction.
America can’t reject the Lia Thomas lie because we’ve swallowed too many of the others:
January 6 was an insurrection comparable to Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
Police are killing black men so randomly that black people should live in fear of routine traffic stops.
America was founded in 1619, when it enslaved its first black person.
Securing our southern border is racist.
The N-word is a harmless term of endearment when used by black people.
The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution are invalid and irredeemably racist because our Founding Fathers owned slaves.
George Floyd is a hero worthy of memorials and monuments.
Marriage between a man and a woman is no different from marriage between two people of the same sex.
Obese women (and men) are perfectly healthy.
Abortion isn’t murder or immoral. It’s proof women are equal.
Masks stop the spread of COVID.
No, wait, experimental medical trials (vaccines) stop the spread of COVID.
Colin Kaepernick and LeBron James are bright public intellectuals sincerely challenging the establishment’s racism.
Donald Trump is Adolf Hitler.
No, wait, Vladimir Putin is Adolf Hitler.
America is a smorgasbord of lies. White lies. Black lies. Brown lies. Gender lies. Political lies. Racial lies. The lies make chaos and division inevitable. Our fear and reluctance to confront and combat these lies doom this nation.
Lia Thomas isn’t the problem. His gender dysphoria is not new. There have been men who felt like women since the beginning of time. The rest of us are the problem. Rather than treat Thomas’ dysphoria, we have chosen to adopt it as our own, normalize it, and build a world obedient to feelings over truth.
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