Jeff Bezos owning the Washington Post which delivers a one-sided view of the world is no problem but the prospect of Elon Musk opening Twitter to allow everyone’s voices to be heard is Putin-esque.
I actually wonder if Hitler is pretty pissed right now that his mentions are dropping because everyone is now being labeled “Putin” instead of “Hitler.”
But are the people making hyperbolic accusations against Musk serious? Yes. Actually they are. Deadly serious. Just not about your rights. The fact that they are calling Elon Musk the next Putin tells you all you need to know. They will seek to destroy anyone and everyone who stands in their path.
People are obstacles or aids to the utilitarian mindset. That’s all. If you allow yourself to be used you are useful. Useful means “good” to this mindset. If you are not useful to the cause then you are an obstacle. Obstacles impeding progress must be leveled.
How long until the Twitter app is deemed “toxic” or “dangerous” and the other Big Tech platforms all stop carrying it? Can you imagine Apple and Google banning it? I can. In fact, I think it likely at some point.
If Twitter is no longer useful then it is an enemy. And enemies are labeled racist, haters, and traitors. Once the name-calling begins, then some fringe leftists pester the media about why Big Tech like Google and Apple are not protecting the people from hatred and racism and misgoyny and the patriarchy. Y’know, Elon Musk was born in South Africa and they practically invented racism after America also invented racism. Big Tech will then comply about how they must curb free speech in order to save free speech.
Elon Musk is the new Trump is the new Putin is the new Hitler.
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