This is an interesting one.
There’s no place like court. There’s no place like court. There’s no place like court.
Just about a year ago, a blue dress was discovered in a trash bag above the faculty mail slots during a renovation of the Catholic University of America’s Hartke Theater.
It was instantly recognizable as one of six dresses worn by Judy Garland in the classic “The Wizard of Oz.” The faithful Catholic University was prepared to auction off the famous dress for about one million dollars.
The dress had been given to Fr. Gilbert Hartke, who’d founded the drama school at CUA, by actress Mercedes McCambridge decades ago for helping her battle alcoholism. McCambridge co-starred in the movie All The Kings Men. Orson Wells at one time considered her the greatest voice actress in the world. In fact, it is her voice that is the demon’s voice in the classic movie “The Exorcist.”
Fr. Hartke passed away years ago but a niece of his is arguing that the dress was a gift to him personally so it should come to her. CUA is arguing that he’d taken a vow of poverty so whatever gift he received wouldn’t belong to him.
A judge will hold a hearing next week.
Who’da thunk there was a connection between CUA, the Exorcist, and The Wizard of Oz?
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