We Laugh Because We Believe

Month May 2022

WaPo Compares Roe Reversal to 9/11 Attack.

Insanity wins another round at the WaPo. Roe’s impending reversal is a 9/11 attack on America’s social fabric, Dana @Milbank writes https://t.co/6pxAG4YnzK — Washington Post Opinions (@PostOpinions) May 13, 2022 Soooo, allowing people in each state to actually vote on… Continue Reading →

Principal Sues 8th Graders for “Sexual Harassment” for Using Wrong Pronouns

Oh my. Things just got weirder. You remember the television show “Are you smarter than a 4th grader?” Well, I will tell you that there are three 8th graders in Wisconsin who are definitely smarter than their principal. Here’s the… Continue Reading →

Wait, You Don’t Care About Live Babies Either?

It’s long become a cliche from the left that pro-lifers only care about babies in utero and once they’re born they transform into child-hating penny pinchers. This is mostly because conservatives tend to not want the federal government to involve… Continue Reading →

Clarence Thomas Compares Supreme Court Leak to Infidelity

I get what he’s saying but we’ve had no faith in our institutions for quite some time. The Supreme Court has become super politicized and many of the justices couldn’t care less about the Constitution. This latest blow is just… Continue Reading →

Inflation is the Best Reason for Abortion, Says Dem Congresswoman.

A Democrat who literally named her daughter after Elizabeth Warren, is saying high inflation highlights the need for legalized abortion. To be fair, what doesn’t point to the need for legalized abortion for Democrats? Climate change? Abortion will help. Overcrowded… Continue Reading →

Shocking Audio: Tape of death threats sent to firebombed Wisconsin pro-life center

This is disturbing but I think it’s a must listen to remind us the darkness we are facing. BREAKING AUDIO: @HumanEvents obtains tape of death threats sent by to Wisconsin pro-life center that was firebombed this week Due to disturbing… Continue Reading →

I Watched 2,000 Mules Last Night

If you’re concerned at all about whether our republic still exists, Dinesh D’Souza’s latest documentary “2,000 Mules” should help you answer the question. Spoiler alert – It doesn’t. The documentary makes it completely clear that the 2020 election was stolen…. Continue Reading →

Why Does AG Merrick Garland Refuse to Enforce Laws Protecting SCOTUS

Someone’s got a bad case of robe envy. Merrick Garland was nominated to the high court but Republicans sat on his nomination in the wind up to the election. Seems like that was a very good move considering this guy… Continue Reading →

Ancient Chinese Emperor Guangwu Given Signs of Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection?

OK. This is really really cool. I looked up videos and pages explaining it away but thus far I haven’t seen anything debunking this. I will keep looking but I find this super intriguing. Is it possible that in ancient… Continue Reading →

Sad and Lonely Leftist Criticizes Homeschooling Mom for Ruining Lives of her Children

I think Twitter is great. It gives angry people a place to rant and spew their insanity while leaving people in the real world alone. Think of all the kids and dog walkers in the neighborhood that don’t get yelled… Continue Reading →

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