The Synod on Synodality. What does that even mean? I will say that Microsoft word doesn’t even recognize synodality as a word. It’s Orwellian. It means nothing. A Council on Counciling. A meeting about meetings. A Convention on Conventions.
How does one practice synodality? Synodalizing. What’s the verb there?
If Orwell wrote about the Catholic Church this would’ve been one of the names of the synod. It seems to me that the more meaningless the name of a committee, the more damage it’s looking to do.
When you read into this synod you’re inundated by meaninglessness. It’s a word salad of Jesuit’s favorite words all about discerning, processing, journeying, and becoming Church.
What does it all mean?
Cardinal Hollerich, who was appointed by Pope Francis to be one of the leaders of this mess, says the Church’s teaching on LGBT matters is no longer correct.
I never understand statements like that. Did God change?
What it really means is tearing the Church from its roots as the 2000 year old institution founded by Jesus Christ. This is a hermeneutic of whatever feels good.
I’d rather the Church follow the opinions of those who attend daily Mass as opposed to a Synod of Bishops in Rome. Or how about this crazy thought – follow the words of Jesus Christ. Radical, huh?
Hey, you cant spell synod without sin. Ok you could but it doesn’t look like the Vatican wants to.
We went through this year long charade of a “listening” session. Does anyone actually believe that we were listened to? Were the trads listened to?
Everything is already set as to what they want out of this synod.
Case in point. When the German bishops vote to overhaul Catholic teaching on sexuality came up a little short, it didn’t matter. The radical German bishops still sent in their radical recommendations, despite the vote coming up short.
According to the synodal way’s official social media accounts, Bishop Georg Bätzing, president of the German bishops’ conference, said he was “personally disappointed with this vote” not to overturn the Church’s teaching on sexuality.
“I couldn’t see in the debate what the majorities would be like. That means for me: the practice of synodality has not yet gone far enough,” Bätzing said Thursday.
We just need more synodalizing!!
If you’re not for married priests, women deacons, and blessing same-sex unions you simply need to discern more. You’re not discerning enough. Discern…or else.
No amount of true discerning should lead you to believe Jesus was wrong.
The left has sought to destroy the Church but guess what, they believe they have the solution to fix it. But in reality the solution is the problem.
Cardinal Mario Grech, the secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, is the meeting’s chief organizer. He said the question that the Synod on Synodality was trying to answer is “what is the type of Church that the Holy Spirit is enlightening us to have for today?”
They’re reinventing the Church.
Cardinal Gerhard Muller called it a “hostile takeover” of the Church. Except I don’t see enough bishops and cardinals being hostile to the takeover.
It’s laughable the things the bishops are pushing here.
They say we need more diversity in the Church!!! Yes!
We need voices from other parts of the world in our Church!!! Yes!!!
So let’s put the German bishops in charge of the Synod! Wait, what?
I saw one USCCB talking point for this synod was Enhancing Communion USCCB. What does that mean? Pumpkin spice flavored Communion? No what it means is Common without confession. Giving it to anyone and everyone regardless of what they believe.
Sythensising, synodalitizing, dialoguing and discerning. That’s what we’re told it’s about. And we have no idea what is meant by any of it. Confusion is the point.
Hey, remember the serpent merely wanted to dialogue with Eve.
It’s being called a journey and process. A journey to where?
I don’t know where we’re going but wherever it is will have women deacons, married priests, and blessings for same-sex unions.
Pope John Paul II said clearly that women can never be ordained.
I guess he just needed to discern more. More synodalizing.
We’re discerning so hard that we can overcome two thousand years of Church teaching.
This whole thing with asking regular Catholics is such a head fake to begin with. The “Democratization” is a joke.
I love this. What a brilliant maneuver. Miseducate and misinform young Catholics for decades and then in a great show of Democratization ask those some miseducated Catholics where the Church should be taken?
To paraphrase Obama, we are the revelation we’ve been waiting for.
Maybe…ask Jesus?
Redeeming the Church in the eyes of the world seems paramount now to those in charge as opposed to redeeming the world in the eyes of God.
All this talk about listening and discerning. Do the Latin Mass goers feel listened to? Do they feel there’s dialogue? No, they get the hammer.
Have you seen the images coming out in advance of this. All of them seem like they were created by concussed non-binary middle schoolers with rainbow colored crayons convinced they’re on the right side of history.
Please notice the “Pride” shirt and the woman in some kind of priestly robe. Subtle, huh?
The Church and the world aren’t supposed to be one and the same. The Church is intended to inspire the world, not become it.
The Church is becoming increasingly like Game of Thrones. Lots of plotting and strategizing, scandals, people abusing power against one another and the ending kinda’ sucks. I know that in the end the Church triumphs but right now it’s seeming like the Gates of Hell are having a field day.
This week the USCCB released a report with the bureaucratically self-important title, “National Synthesis of the People of God in the United States of America for the Diocesan Phase of the 2021-2023 Synod.”
Essentially, it’s a report from the bishops summarizing the results of the past year’s synodal “listening sessions” held in dioceses throughout the country.
For example, one USCCB synodal consultation reported:
People noted that the Church seems to prioritize doctrine over people, rules, and regulations over lived reality. People want the Church to be a home for the wounded and broken, not an institution for the perfect. They want the Church to meet people where they are, wherever they are, and walk with them rather than judging them; to build real relationships through care and authenticity, not superiority.
What Church is that? Yeah, the problem today is that the Church is waaaaaaaaayyyyyy tooooooo strict? What a joke! So few priests talk about Hell anymore but I bet a few of them could give me directions there.
These diocesan listening sessions make it look like they’ve only been listening to the NY Times editorial board.
I don’t remember St. Paul’s letter to the discerners, asking them what they thought future Church should look like.
Who knew Malachi Martin was underselling the crisis?
Let me get this straight. The Church miseducates young Catholics for decades and then asks them how to re-shape the Church. Seems a pretty simple way to get the answers you want.
Pope Francis calls it “an exercise of mutual listening, conducted at all levels of the Church and involving the entire People of God” It involves encounter, listening and the discernment of spirits.
Um. Which spirits in particular?
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