Obama slept with men!!!!!!!!!!! He wrote in a letter that he had sex with millions of men in his imagination!!!!!!!
I’m like totally gobsmacked!!!!
Maybe this is just me but I actually couldn’t care less.
It’s enough to me that Obama has divided this country along racial lines. It’s enough for me that he endorsed abortion up to the moment of birth and after. It’s enough to me that he oversaw the weakening of our border, pushed gay marriage, exploited and used the corrupt deep state, attempted to destroy our healthcare system, and made hating America the adopted position of the left.
I’m seeing reports in right wing media about Tucker Carlson interviewing a man who said he had sex with a young Barack Obama. I just don’t care. The man may have been the most damaging president in modern history.
Would I be surprised? Of course not. I just don’t care. The guy’s a narcissistic ego-fueled monster who despises Christianity. I know it. We all know it.
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