Rand Paul called Fauci a “traitor” to our country. Yet nothing happens. No charges being brought against him and he’s still talking away as the hero of Covid on MSNBC and CNN.

It is clear that Fauci deployed a massive coverup of Covid’s origins which he funded. And then he urged other “scientists” to pretend that they didn’t think that Covid came from a lab. Oddly, many of those who came out in support of Fauci received massive government grants shortly after. Huh?

In fact, remember I remember being booted off Facebook or having my posts removed because I suggested that Covid came from a lab. That became “disinformation.”

And disinformation is like super duper dangerous guys and it’s like violence or something so shut up. Like now. Or else.

The Hill: Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said he thinks former White House chief medial adviser Anthony Fauci deserves jail time.

“And do you believe that Anthony Fauci belongs in jail?” Fox News host Sean Hannity asked Paul.

“Without question,” the senator responded.

Paul has a fiery history with Fauci, brimming from disagreements around the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic to vaccinations. He has also argued that the former infectious diseases doctor lied to Congress by flip-flopping on where the COVID virus began in public and in private.

“We now have proof in Anthony Fauci’s own words, we have his emails,” Paul said in his interview with Hannity.

“In public he’s saying, ‘Oh, if you say it came from the lab, you’re a conspiracy theorist, you’re crazy, it’s a fringe theory,’” he continued. “But in private, he’s saying … ‘We’re very concerned because the virus appears to be manipulated. And we’re also very concerned because we know they’re doing gain of function research in Wuhan.’”