The parents of a young man who killed four students at his high school have been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. This is a heckuva’ precedent. Yahoo: “We’re living in a new world now, and that new world is a… Continue Reading →
Um. When we say “men” what is it exactly that we’re referring to? So many people have been bullied into silence on this issue because they’re told that even questioning this issue makes people commit suicide. Like it’s your fault…. Continue Reading →
Is the Church speaking out strenuously on this? Are Church leaders promulgating Church teaching on sexuality? Why not? Are our shepherds too busy trying to ingratiate their way into the Wolfpack? Or is it that our Church leaders no longer… Continue Reading →
If the world is to be saved it will be saved just like this: Amazing! Over 120,000 Catholics have pledged to join the 9-month novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe organized by Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, which started today, to… Continue Reading →
Christians have been mocked for being irrational for years. You and your sky daddy granting wishes to the low IQ hordes. We have pointed out time and again that the world only makes sense with a loving God as its… Continue Reading →
Here he does a Led Zeppelin song. You’re not going to believe this. Yeah, it’s a total time waster but the internet is kinda awesome for bringing people’s odd and incredible talents into the spotlight. So, in short, yeah the… Continue Reading →
It seems every week there is news that we’re celebrating doing something we hadn’t been able to do. This is because we are infinitely clever technicians while delighting in the moral chaos that swirls around us. The Daily Mail: De-extinction… Continue Reading →
At the urging of MTG and several other Republicans, President Joe Biden attempted to belittle the issue of this young woman being killed by someone who never should’ve been here. He cares so much that he says her name wrong…. Continue Reading →
This is happening throughout the western world. The Big Atheist wave of the 90’s and early 2000’s sought to accomplish two goals: 1)demonize Christianity and 2)indoctrinate young people into becoming ignorant atheists. So what happened? It half worked. They demonized… Continue Reading →
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