We Laugh Because We Believe

Month April 2024

Trump isn’t a Leader on Life, He May be a Means to an End

Trump isn’t a politician. That’s what I’m told. And in many ways he’s not. But his new stance on abortion is the most political move I’ve ever witnessed. Masterful statement by Trump on abortion. Pro-Life leaders I've spoken to are… Continue Reading →

Dawkins Wants to Burn the Orchard But Enjoy the Apples.

I’ve got to give credit to Doug Wilson for this analogy. Richard Dawkins, the famous or infamous atheist, is saying he considers himself a “cultural Christian.” Why? It’s because the thousands of mosques being built around him scare the hell… Continue Reading →

Ladies and Gentleman, These are Our Elite Overlords.

This would be hilarious if it weren’t so disturbing. We had that other guy in Congress worrying about Guam tipping over and then we got this guy supposedly in charge of it all. And you want the really really really… Continue Reading →

WTH? I Would’ve Run off that Plane?

What is going on with airlines all of a sudden? This is insane. DEI has made everyone go NUTS. DEI Female Pilot moment. This is insane. pic.twitter.com/7h7Rlm8vsU — Lauren Witzke (@LaurenWitzkeDE) April 8, 2024 Forty seconds into this rant I’m… Continue Reading →

Need to be Inspired? Check out this Divine Mercy Hills in El Salvador city in the Philippines.

There are good things happening out there. Sometimes we need to be reminded. Beautiful. Amazing! Thousands of Catholics participate in the annual procession at Divine Mercy Hills in El Salvador city in the Philippines to mark Divine Mercy Sunday Video:… Continue Reading →

American and Catholic? How?

So a lifelong Democrat who happens to be a state senator left the Democrat Party after being punished for the thought crime of viewing life in and out of the womb as sacred. Lifesitenews.com: During a press conference announcing his… Continue Reading →

Small Business Owner Closes Due to Minimum Wage Hike, Media Pounces…On Small Business Owner.

How dare you not provide jobs even if the state’s insane laws make it impossible for you to turn a profit? This is insane. California sets the minimum wage at $20 per hour and a small ice cream shop lays… Continue Reading →

Out with Christianity and In with ???

I’ve been visiting colleges with my sixteen year old daughter. Yup. It’s that time again. Yesterday we went to a campus in Pennsylvania and it had some absolutely wondrous buildings. Stunning massive stone and brick structures with carvings and spires… Continue Reading →

Four Pro-Lifers Convicted and May Face Year in Prison. Our Streets are Safe Once Again.

It seems that the only place the Biden Administration supports law and order is outside abortion clinics. We have people blocking traffic in cities, we have folks just walking in and out of stores with armloads of products they haven’t… Continue Reading →

28 Year Old Netherlands Woman to Legally Commit Suicide for Depression.

This is what you get in a godless world. This poor woman doesn’t know she’s loved. She doesn’t understand that God loves her and has a plan for her. This is euthanasia. It’s just repackaged. It’s Darwinism. The Free Press:… Continue Reading →

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