It’s become obvious that the man who ended Roe is now backing off his commitment to being pro-life.

Trump now opposes federal action on abortion while even criticizing some state pro-life laws as too extreme.

Trump’s running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, recently stated that Trump would actually veto any abortion ban that made it through Congress. He said that by overturning Roe he returned the issue to the states and that’s where it should stay.

Now, Trump is saying that he not only supports IVF but he wants to make it a law that insurance companies have to pay for it.

So, there’s clearly a political calculation being made here. Trump clearly thinks that pro-lifers will believe he’s lying to women in order to gain their vote and then he will return to being pro-life.

Or maybe Trump thinks pro-lifers have nowhere else to go. They’re not going to vote for Kamala, right? She’s the most pro-death candidate you could get. She would attack the pro-life movement with every lever of power she could get her hands on.

He might be right about that. But pro-lifers have to push back. Politics are about negotiation. And if we just take what he’s giving us, we lose. We at least have to make the Trump campaign think we’ll stay home from this election. If he has no fear of us, we have no seat at the table.

My advice to pro-lifers is start saying you won’t vote for him online everywhere you can, even if you intend to vote for him.