We Laugh Because We Believe

Month September 2024

What Vance Said, What AP Reported.

Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance says, “I don’t like that that [school shootings have become] a fact of life.” Here’s how it’s reported. After being torn apart online they eventually changed their headline but not before they make it clear… Continue Reading →

Word of the Day 9-5-2024

What’s on the Mind of Matt Archbold?

My weekly spot on Annunciation Radio where I solve all the wold’s problems in ten minutes. Yeah, it’s exhausting but that’s just how I roll.

Kamala Is Open to Packing the Court.

Un-democracy. Court packing is on the ballot: Reporter: “Are you open to expanding the size of the Supreme Court?” Kamala Harris: “I am open to that discussion.” pic.twitter.com/rsoC5UtYvK — Carrie Severino (@JCNSeverino) September 3, 2024 When Democrats don’t get their… Continue Reading →

Yale divinity students forced to read from witch’s ‘spell’ at orientation.

Tell me you’re surprised at this. Come on. Try to. You can’t, right? Occult practices at an Ivy League school? Just out of interest, Yale. Was there any mention of Jesus during this enforced circle of gratitude? I’m wondering what… Continue Reading →

CBS News Is Worried About You Christians.

This is insane. This CBS News reports is investigating a Christian evangelist effort to mobilize support of Donald Trump. Let’s just say that it’s acting like these people are the weirdest of weirdoes. I don’t know who this idiot is… Continue Reading →

Word of the Day 9-4-2024

More Faulty Wiring in a Church in France!!!

Survived two worlds wars but one decade of woke did the Church in. Is this definitely arson? https://t.co/QSzNGKfk3h — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 2, 2024 I know we always ask this but just imagine for a moment it was a… Continue Reading →

The Cognitive Dissonance of Abortion in the Media.

I’m Catholic. Practicing. Observant. Online. And therefore my online life the past few days has been focused on the fact that Donald Trump seems to be running from us pro-lifers. He’s said he’d vote against a federal ban on abortion… Continue Reading →

Word of the Day 9-3-2024

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