We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag Abortion

Sound and Ghastly Reasoning

I read something that shook me to my core today. I mean, this is exactly the kind of thing that makes so many of us fear for the 21st Century. It’s written with a tone of compassion and sensitivity and… Continue Reading →

Town Official Attacks Catholics -On Video!

CMR lesson number one: If you’re going to do something stupid don’t do it in front of a video camera. If Paris Hilton has taught us anything it’s that. We here at CMR do stupid things all the time. I… Continue Reading →

Mad Libs for The Culture War

Ever play Mad Libs as a kid? I had a lot of fun playing it. Well, the following is a real news story. But I’m taking out certain words and leaving it blank for you to fill in. Hundreds of… Continue Reading →

Obama Inspires “Blob of Tissue” Boom!

Barack Obama, who infamously said he sees babies as punishments, is now, I guess, facing his first national emergency due to what could become a mega-nationwide punishment caused by…himself. Newsweek is saying that many people got a little…excited…about Obama’s election… Continue Reading →

Diocese Has Priest’s Back

This is an interesting turn of events. From The State: A Greenville priest who told parishioners those who cast ballots for President-elect Barack Obama risk placing themselves “outside of the full communion of Christ’s church” is simply enunciating church teaching… Continue Reading →

Commonweal Doesn’t Mind Hypocrisy

We’ve all seen the story on the South Carolina priest who announced that voting for Obama was a matter worthy of confession and people shouldn’t receive Communion until they do so. Well shock of shocks. Commonweal, that famous liberal Catholic… Continue Reading →

Is Michael Steele Pro-Life? Maybe Not.

Is Michael Steele pro-life? I fear the answer might be no. I’ve long liked and respected Lt. Gov. Michael Steele and considered him a great candidate to Chair the RNC. I’ve seen many pro-life bloggers even endorse him but yesterday… Continue Reading →

It’s So Evil That We Can’t Show You

Many pro-choicers support twelve-years-olds getting abortions. They support babies in their ninth month being literally torn apart limb from limb. I’ve known too many pro-choice people to consider them all evil. I think so much of their stance on abortion… Continue Reading →

Fr. Reese Confuses Honesty and Betrayal

Talking nonsense and calling it Catholicism has long been a specialty of Father Thomas Reese who said today that a majority of Catholics voted for Obama but if Obama actually supports the Freedom of Choice Act then he will have… Continue Reading →

Pray For Their Health and Long Long Life

Today I am praying for extraordinarily great health for all the Supreme Court justices. This is kind of a snarky way of me mourning for the kind of country we are becoming. With each appointee that a President Obama names,… Continue Reading →

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