This is a report from small town Pennsylvania where we’re bitter and cling to our guns and religion: At Mass yesterday our priest talked about abortion and the election. That never happens. I think once before in my entire life… Continue Reading →
OK. I’ll admit it. Call me an ignoramus but I didn’t even know that Spain had a Queen. I mean, I know that they did at one time because she sent Columbus to America and all that but I didn’t… Continue Reading →
Remember Barack Obama essentially called abortion survivor Gianna Jessen “a despicable” liar in his ad. Well Gianna is not taking it sitting down. is releasing its second ad denouncing Obama’s abysmal voting record against protecting infants who survive abortions…. Continue Reading →
What’s gotten into all these bishops and cardinals recently? Many are actually…standing up for morality all of a sudden. Up until recently there had been so much “contextualizing” of abortion from bishops. Yes, they’d say, abortion is very important but… Continue Reading →
The latest editorial from the National Catholic Reporter lambastes the pro-life effort of bishops. I’m trying to make heads or tails out of their point of view but it just seems to follow the already stale Kmiec-isms that the real… Continue Reading →
The following is a letter from Cardinal Egan which appeared in Catholic New York. Read it. It’s the single best pro-life plea I’ve read in a long time. Here it is: Just Look The picture on this page is an… Continue Reading →
Do you want to know how sick the Democratic Party is? When pro-lifers defend the partial birth abortion ban the best quote they can come up with from a prominent Democrat is this one from Sen Daniel Patrick Moynihan who… Continue Reading →
In a stunning development that’s left the political world shocked, accusations are surfacing from a blog called CMR that Presidential candidate Barack Obama may have at one time been a fetus. Although Obama has consistently pushed a radical anti-fetus agenda… Continue Reading →
Trust me, this is the oddest thing you’ll read today. And it’s really quite moving. Rebekah is a frequent commenter here at CMR. Last night, she sent an email to Patrick and I explaining how she met up with Sarah… Continue Reading →
Wake up John McCain! Wake up weak kneed Republicans! Pro-lifers have won significant ground, according to a new poll sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. In fact, 71% of self-described pro-choice voters would significantly restrict abortion. A new nationwide poll… Continue Reading →
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