*subhead*Yay! Common Sense.*subhead* Political cartoon by David Horsey Almost a year ago, I wrote “Owning Genes” here at Creative Minority Report. In that post I discussed the patenting of naturally occurring human genes and how that affects your health care…. Continue Reading →
*subhead*Again.*subhead* A while back I introduced Creative Minority readers to gene patents. In the 1980s, the United States Patent and Trademark Office started issuing patents for naturally occurring genes. Since then a quarter of our genes have been patented and… Continue Reading →
While the country breathlessly waits for the Supreme Court to decide on Obamacare, there is another court battle to keep an eye on. While this battle is not as critical as the one on our health care system, it is… Continue Reading →
This is nuts. Pure nuts. A Texas County Clerk may face jail time for defending the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer after a judge crossed it out of the meeting’s minutes. He crossed it out for fear that the… Continue Reading →
The ACLU treats Jesus like a sex offender on school grounds. No, actually I think the ACLU is all for allowing molesters to stand on top of the monkey bars handing out candy at recess. So actually, the ACLU treats… Continue Reading →
The ACLU is standing against a bill in Pennsylvania that requires voters to show identification because old people and black people are reeeeeeaaaaallly stupid and don’t know how to get identification. PoliticsPA reports: State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe’s Pennsylvania Voter Identification… Continue Reading →
In light of the horrors perpetrated by Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell, you’d think most people would be in favor of attempting to establish some minimum health requirements for abortion clinics throughout the state. A bill introduced in Pennsylvania mandates that… Continue Reading →
Kinda’ sad when the students are the sane ones in a school. The Blaze has more.
This is priceless and highlights the hypocrisy of the ACLU. The ACLU supports requiring crisis pregnancy center to post signs that they do not provide abortion or birth control services. Archbishop Edwin O’Brien said the ordinance is a free speech… Continue Reading →
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