In light of the horrors perpetrated by Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell, you’d think most people would be in favor of attempting to establish some minimum health requirements for abortion clinics throughout the state.
A bill introduced in Pennsylvania mandates that freestanding abortion clinics “follow the same standards as ambulatory surgical facilities, including increasing the size of procedure rooms and mandating the presence a full time RN during procedures,” according to PoliticsPA.
You’d think that the people at Planned Parenthood would put women’s health first, right? Ha! Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are fighting this legislation, preferring the good ol’ days of lawlessness that led to the horrors in Gosnell’s clinic. Here’s a rule of thumb -when Planned Parenthood and the ACLU team up, horrors ensue.
Andy Hoover, a lobbyist for the ACLU said, “It is absolutely clear that House Bill 574 is an attempt to put providers out of business. It is not about patient safety.”
Yes. Ensuring women’s safety can be a little expensive. I guess the ACLU and Planned Parenthood don’t think it worth hiring a nurse to be present during the surgery to protect women. What kind of animals are these people? Honestly.
The Republican who introduced the bill wondered
“Why do they feel that they should not have to undergo the same patient health safety standards as other facilities, this just defies logic. People go in to have anesthesia and surgical abortions and you’re saying there shouldn’t even be a nurse? It doesn’t make sense. And most reasonable thinking people whether they be pro-life or pro-choice or in the middle seem to agree with that,” said Baker.
“That just shows how out of touch, and unrealistic and uncaring, quite frankly, that they are towards the very women that they seem to be saying would be hurt by this legislation,” said Baker. “I would say that they’re hurting women physically as evident by the atrocities witnessed at the Gosnell abortion clinic.”
Check out the rest at PoliticsPA. The ACLU and Planned Parenthood even made a video about this they’re so worried.
The upshot here is one we all knew. Planned Parenthood doesn’t give a damn about the safety of women. It’s about money. And when it comes down to a choice between money and women’s safety, money wins every time. Every single time.
April 19, 2011 at 6:05 pm
Pretty darn horrifying. Also horrifying, this little bit of news I was privy to this morning. Lord save us!,0,4089355.story
April 19, 2011 at 7:03 pm
Sometimes the human ability to rationalize the unspeakable still
surprises me. In the PoliticsPA article Mr. Archbold linked to above,
the ACLU legislative director for PA, a Mr. Andy Hoover, complained
that the Pennsylvania bill would force some abortion mills that have
unacceptably unsafe practices/standards to close– driving women
to use abortion mills that have unacceptably unsafe practices and
By his 'logic', the health department shouldn't regulate the practices
and standards of restaurants, since the cost of maintaining basic standards would force filthy restaurants to close and the public would
be driven to patronize skeezy underground diners.
Why is it that the left (and the ACLU and PP are both most assuredly
part of the left) is so gung-ho for micromanagement of all facets of
our lives by the government– except when it comes to the regulation
of abortion mills. Suddenly, the idea of government demanding even
basic, commonsense standards turns them from statists to libertarians!
No one must be permitted to look behind that PP curtain. Nothing to
see there, move along…
April 19, 2011 at 7:19 pm
I guess I am uninformed- PP clinics perform abortions with no nurse?!?!? Just a doctor or what? but I guess that makes 'sense'- my girls needed more consent from me when they got their ears pierced than if they went to a PP clinic
April 19, 2011 at 7:53 pm
The good news is that finally, liberals see how regulations can harm industry.
April 19, 2011 at 9:23 pm
Priest's wife, it is amazing that your child's school cannot give her
an aspirin without your consent, but that same school can refer her
to an abortion mill without consulting you. And, if PP and the ACLU
have their way, that 'clinic' could well be run like Kermit Gosnell's.
The Grand Juries' report on Gosnell's abortion mill is horrifying reading.
Abortions done without a nurse available was the least of it. And
PP and the ACLU want to protect the chance of such places to continue
to operate!
April 19, 2011 at 9:45 pm
American Civil Liberty for unsanitary and dangerous abortions huh?
First of all, all abortions are unsanitary even if the surgeon general does it; it's a human thing, Democrats and Liberals won't get it.
Secondly there is nothing American or Civil or relating to Liberty about subjecting a woman to dangerous health procedures or murdering her unborn child to begin with. The ACLU has lost its senses and identity. Perhaps along with many who have been brainwashed and numbed by the public schools and the media to believe that licentiousness is libery, selfishness is civility and tolerance of evil is American.
ACLU needs to go back to MLK to rediscover itself and what it's mission is. Promoting the exploitation and deception of poor Black women into a voluntary surrender of their child for carnage and butchery was not what ACLU is all about.
April 20, 2011 at 4:20 pm
No real surprise here. It's never been about protecting women. It's about the almighty dollar.
April 20, 2011 at 9:32 pm
If you live in Pennsylvania, be sure to contact your legislator in support of this bill. The Pennsylvania Catholic Conference has an alert on their website that will send an email automatically to your representative –