You wanna’ know one of Matt’s rules of thumb. If the ACLU is outraged, Matt is happy 99.99% of the time.
Weasel Zippers reports:
The left’s never-ending war on Christianity continues unabated.
(Baltimore Sun) — A Baltimore principal’s decision to use prayer in preparation for recent statewide tests is drawing criticism as improperly mixing religion and public education.
For two years, prayer services have been held at Northeast Baltimore’s Tench Tilghman Elementary/Middle School as the Maryland School Assessments, a standardized test for third through eighth grades, neared. Fliers promoted the most recent event, on March 5, as a way to “come together, as one, in prayer and ask God to bless our school to pass the MSA.”
Gasp! Praying?! Now, if the Principal had told them about the joys of man/boy love or handed out condoms to kindergartners the ACLU would be fine with that.
When did the separation of church and state come to mean the stamping out of religion? Here’s the thing -even if you have some lunatic view that the Constitution demands that nobody receiving public funding can mention God, a big problem we’re facing is that the government keeps growing and inserting itself into every facet of our lives thereby limiting the number of people who can even mention God.
This is why I send my kids to Catholic school, so they can pray before tests. And if you’ve seen my kids report cards you’d understand that they should be praying before tests. A lot.
March 15, 2011 at 2:14 am
The school teacher knows that she or he is an individual human being of sovereign personhood, not owned as property by the state her employer, and may exercise her free speech in prayer as she or he sees fit. The Supreme Court told the atheist, Madalyn Murray O'Hair that "she can go her own way". Persons who reject the Declaration of Independence repudiate their citizenship and have no standing in a court of law to sue for any civil right. Every atheist and abortionist has repudiated his citizenship under our founding principles and cannot claim civil rights without according all civil rights to all persons. Every public place belongs to every citizen. The Supreme Court does not have power to deny any citizen civil right to address the Person of God, a citizen of the world in any public place. The teacher is a private citizen and a public citizen and since the state cannot own the teacher as property, the teacher is free to practice his citizenship and civil rights according to his private personal citizenship in the public school. When one person is denied civil rights all persons are denied civil rights. The Person of God is being denied acknowledgment and all persons are injured.
March 15, 2011 at 4:04 am
If they want funding from the government to stop mentioning God, don't they realize that the money they are receiving has "In God We Trust" on it. Isn't that biting the hand that feeds you?
March 15, 2011 at 3:00 pm
Tax money belongs to the tax payer even as it is administered by the government. The sovereign personhood of each and every tax payer is endowed by our CREATOR when our Creator wills an human being to come into existence. All sovereign authority in heaven and on earth is endowed by God. From the first moment of life, the endowed sovereign personhood of each and every citizen constitutes our nation. To deny the least sovereign human being the freedom to constitute our nation is treason. To deny our sovereign founding principles in our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution is treason and sedition. Anyone who does deny our founding principles has no legal standing in a court of law and becomes an exile in his own home. IN GOD WE TRUST. Almighty God is the one and only trustworthy PERSON and God wills all things into existence. DON’T PAY ANY ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE SMOKE SCREEN, for he has no legal standing in court of law. Let him prove he does have legal standing in court of law and is pursuing the common good for all, before taking any testimony from him.
March 15, 2011 at 5:11 pm
How would you feel if the principal had been Muslim and had led the children in a prayer to Allah?