Pat is in a meeting so he can’t stop me from putting up a baby video. He’s always yelling at me that whenever he’s stuck in a meeting and can’t be on the blog I put up baby videos. Can… Continue Reading →
This absolutely sickens me. It is the lowest of the low. Liberal Alan Colmes mocks Rick Santorum for treating his dead son with dignity. Colmes was suggesting that voters would shun Santorum once they “get a load of some of… Continue Reading →
It’s just a bulldog and a baby sleeping but it’s pretty cute. And Pat hates when I put things like this up. HT Viral Footage
I imagine that in the future there will be a great debate between liberal archaeologists over why Western civilization failed? Oh, there will be plenty of theories. Some will probably say it was President Palin’s fault. Others will say it… Continue Reading →
My sister Mary had a boy! And the baby’s fine. Thanks so much for all the prayers everyone. My sister’s blood pressure is still a bit high so she’s still being watched but I saw her last night and she… Continue Reading →
A horror. Love. And maybe a miracle thrown in. That looks like what happened in Minneapolis when a mother threw a newborn baby into a snow bank leaving her to die until a stranger stepped in. This kind of action… Continue Reading →
New Advent found this video of a baby laughing hysterically about his father ripping paper. Kevin Knight says it’s proof of God and I’m inclined to agree. If you watch this without smiling you’re dead inside and you’re probably strangling… Continue Reading →
What the heck is going on in Canada…oh wait it’s the same thing going on right here in the United States. This is a truly horrifying story from This is a death panel. Up and running right now. In… Continue Reading →
I couldn’t help but smile all through this video so I’ll show it to you guys. Even I get a little tired of being snarky about weighty issues all the time. Sometimes a video of a bay wrecking a room… Continue Reading →
This is the most disgusting story I’ve ever read. I’m horrified that this occurred. Horrified. A newborn baby died in New York City because some city workers wanted to score a political point against the Mayor. In the greatest, most… Continue Reading →
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