Senator Bob Casey, who is still awaiting his much needed spine implentation surgery, is saying he’s more pro-life than you. Yup. He went there. Taking a cue from Patrick Kennedy who accused the Church of not being pro-life because it… Continue Reading →
That sound you’re hearing may be the cracking of Senator Ben Nelson’s moral fiber. Ace is reporting that Ben Nelson may be on the brink of breaking and turning into a weaker version of Senator Bob Casey Jr. Reports are… Continue Reading →
Nobody has come up shorter in this whole healthcare fiasco than Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey. And I’m glad to see two pro-life groups are starting up some pretty effective advertising to out Casey as masquerading as a pro-lifer. Here they… Continue Reading →
Senator Bob Casey has been the least impressive “pro-life” legislator since Harry Reid. In fact, Casey’s been one of the least impressive legislators in the country. Let’s face it, Bob Casey has accomplished next to nothing except proving that nothing… Continue Reading →
There are no blue dogs in the Senate. They are a myth like Bigfoot and Chupacabra. We need just one pro-life Democrat to put a stop to this madness of a healthcare bill. But sadly, that doesn’t seem to be… Continue Reading →
In an exclusive interview with Creative Minority Report, former Senator Rick Santorum leveled criticism at both Senator Bob Casey and U.S. Catholic bishops for their stands in the current healthcare debate, even going so far as saying he was “appalled”… Continue Reading →
Bob Casey of Pennsylvania ran for Senator as a pro-life candidate; a fact which clearly made his defeat of pro-life Senator Rick Santorum more likely. But recently, many believe Senator Bob Casey has not lived up to the rhetoric of… Continue Reading →
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