That sound you’re hearing may be the cracking of Senator Ben Nelson’s moral fiber. Ace is reporting that Ben Nelson may be on the brink of breaking and turning into a weaker version of Senator Bob Casey Jr. Reports are saying that Dems are throwing all sorts of goodies at Nelson. This would be bad news as it would give the Dems in the Senate their 60th vote to pass Obamacare.
After marathon talks, the Obama administration and Democratic leaders appeared near agreement with Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson late Friday night to provide the crucial 60th vote needed for Senate passage of health care legislation.
Majority Leader Harry Reid intends to unveil a final package of changes in the long-debated legislation on Saturday “and is confident that it will prevail,” his spokesman, Jim Manley, said in a late-night statement.
Nelson, the Senate’s most conservative Democrat, has been seeking fresh concessions to restrict access to abortion coverage in the legislation, as well as more money for his home state of Nebraska and other changes.
He told reporters “real progress” had been made, but he offered no details and said nothing final had emerged from the talks.
I really hope this isn’t true. If it happens I am never ever going to believe in the myth of the Blue Dog Democrat again. They will be relegated to the file of Bigfoot and Chupacabra. (But not the Montauk Monster because that’s real) The tale of the Blue Dogs will essentially be a tale told over campfires to scare little liberals.
I’ll try to update but I’m about to start a crazy day. Maybe Patrick will wake up before noon and actually post something for once.
In the meantime, check out Ace for more.
December 19, 2009 at 3:30 pm
Here's the deal.
"Scroll down to Section 1303, which uses the same reliance on the 'prohibited under HHS rules' dodge as the earlier Senate version, rather than using the language from the Stupak Amendment in the House that explicitly prohibited public money from funding abortions or abortion coverage. If Congress fails to renew the Hyde Amendment for just one year, this language will become moot. This version will lose none of the progressives, because they know they can just kill the Hyde Amendment renewal now to eliminate the problem.
Nelson caved on abortion and sold out for an extra year of federal Medicaid subsidies. "
December 19, 2009 at 3:37 pm
I hope he got more than 30 pieces of silver.
Sad to see so many of these Bule Dogs fold.
December 19, 2009 at 4:37 pm
I don't get it. It seemed as if the demands this Nelson wants are comeing through, or at least thats what the artical say's. Isn't that a good thing?
December 19, 2009 at 6:17 pm
Hey, now. The chupacabra is totally real. I know this guy, who was going with this girl whose 2nd cousin saw one.
Blue Dog Democrats? Never seen one, kinda doubt it really exists. That's up there with "honest politician."
December 19, 2009 at 6:26 pm
No. The "compromise" is that select states get to opt out of abortion funding. But that means federal funds will now be allocated to funding abortions in the states that do accept the money, which will probably be a significant amount. So no, this is a not a good thing for anyone not gifted in the art of spin.
December 20, 2009 at 3:09 am
If my state will not accept the money to fund abortions, then I should not be taxed for that purpose.
Also, if the Democrats simply threw money or exemptions to Nelson that is so unfair to the other states, then isn't that unconscionable?
It the dominant party will just force their way by bribing and other ways of persuasion, then can the others just walk away and not participate into this charade. Government is supposed to look out for everyone's interest. But they're just forcing their pro-abort agenda by Hook or by Crook.
December 20, 2009 at 5:29 am
Having worked in DC, I can only say: this is how politics works, the way the game is played. Welcome to reality here in the City of Man.
Actually, I think it took St. Augustine over 1000 pages to say that about the City of Man…granted, he also said a lot about the City of God as well.
December 20, 2009 at 6:18 pm
It would be tolerable if it were the City of Man. But if it is turning into the City of demons, then people of conviction should not go along with it. (sniff) Is that sulphur I smell?
December 21, 2009 at 7:12 pm
Last week Nelson was Thomas More.
This week he's Judas Iscariot.
Free Barrabas