For all you ladies out their macking on Prince Harry this will be very good news. For the past 300 years those in line to be King or Queen of England were prohibited from marrying a Catholic. They could marry… Continue Reading →
Are Catholics finally turning their back on the party of death? As we all know, a majority of self identified Catholics voted for Barack Obama for President. But this past week a number of polls have shown a stunning turnaround;… Continue Reading →
This video is shocking. Wow. Wow. Wow. Not a surprise “Wow.” But like “wow” is Senate candidate Martha Coakley so politically unaware that she just said what all those liberals actually think about religious people. Martha Coakley said on the… Continue Reading →
Are Two Jews Too Many of the Supreme Court? Though Jews make up only a minuscule percentage of the population of America they have two justices sitting on the highest court in the land. But it might not be all… Continue Reading →
Religion is undoubtedly the cultural divide in our electoral system. More accurate than any demographic is the observant religious vs. the occasionally religious or agnostic. So I guess if you want McCain to win, go convert somebody. The past month… Continue Reading →
In a column that appeared in Sunday’s Washington Post, a columnist asks the question on the minds of (sadly) many Catholics “I Voted for Obama. Will I Go Straight to. . . ?” He starts off heavy with the mockage… Continue Reading →
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